Well, it's the eve of wellness fair weekend again. This time, the wellness fair is at a winery in South East Kelowna, at The Vibrant Vine on Sunday from 12pm to 5pm. I will be there offering my Biblical Natural Health Coaching along with my daughter selling her wildcrafted looseleaf teas. I'll have three of my books out on the table as well: My Foraging Notebook, 38 Nutritional/Medicinal Profiles, and Mom's Little Black Book of Skincare & Make-up. I'd hoped to have these on the table at the June wellness fair, but they didn't arrive in time. These books are also available on my website via Lulu, or direct from Lulu, AND Lulu ships to Canada! That's big news for me these days!

I finally dug up the purslane recipes I've been pdf'ing from around the 'net, and only one requires cooking, so minus that one, I think I have what it takes to make a good stab at the neighbour's purslane-covered paddock.

We ate simple burgers for dinner tonight, with Ashley and I adding wild mustard weed, dandelion, and prickly lettuce to our burgers, and both of us really liked how the flavours went together. I found myself wondering what it might taste like if I made my curly dock bread and used that for the bun. Then of course my brain added the wild ash salt and peppergrass. I did spread my bun with my riccotta cheese sauce.

The need to go shopping is still there, but I'm figuring out how our foraging can do more than just teas, salads, medicines, and personal hygiene.

To see pictures and read more late Friday evening banter, click through to: https://naturalhealthgodsway.c....a/2024/07/12/next-we

Next Wellness Fair This Sunday, and Practical Foraging Thoughts – Biblical Natural Health Coaching

Next Wellness Fair This Sunday, and Practical Foraging Thoughts – Biblical Natural Health Coaching