When you need to relax, but you're a creative! Also, when you need a break from depression lane, I mean social platform and news website newsfeeds!

I'm brainstorming a DVBS around foraging and the Gospel message, but. . . well . . . one thing leads to another and before I know it, I've come up with outlines that look more like day camps or full-on cabin-style kids camps around the subject! I've got crafts, foraging how-to's, Bible lessons, Sunday school songs, team leader notes, practical applications through the week, and an awards dinner at the end! Some days are more fleshed out than others, but I realized just now, for DVBS only, follow the pre-lesson craft and lesson, and do the foraging run scrapbook. For Day camp, follow day camp outlines, and for kids camp cabin-style, follow cabin-style camp outlines. . . It seems I can't just brainstorm one aspect, I brainstorm it all!

On top of that, I began brainstorming without an idea of the age bracket I was going for. Turns out that just the DVBS could work for kids as young as 7 up to 15, while the day camp and kids camp outlines would work best for the 10 to 15 age groups.

I know there are Christian versions of scouts out there and that they teach wilderness survival already. But this is just the foraging aspect, and how it benefits us for food, medicine and hygiene, while going through Scripture each day as we see various foraging understandings displayed in these passages. Of course you can't have a DVBS, day camp or kids camp without extending the Gospel message! So it tickled me a little to remember that one foraging story led to one of Jesus' earthly great grandmothers. No promises of course that getting into foraging will lead you to your significant other and position you to change the course of history, but the story is included in my brainstorming anyway.

Otherwise I'm sitting here thinking that the tea samples to be brewed up tonight, won't be available as sip samples at tomorrow's afternoon fair. Daytime temperatures won't make that feasible, spoiling the samples by mid-way through the fair if not sooner. We'll see. I don't have a way to ensure they all stay ice cold after steeping.