July 19 – July 24 – Bible study questions – Psalms 50,51
Please read Psalms 50,51 and answer the following questions.
1. How is God’s coming described in 50:1-3?
2. Whom does God call together, and for what purpose does He call them – 50:4-8?
3. Application: What reasons does God give why He does not need man’s gifts – 50:9-13? What lessons should we learn?
4. What does God want from His people, and what does He promise them – 50:14,15?
5. Application: What accusations does He make against the people, and what should they not do as a result – 50:16-20? What should we learn about who should teach God’s word? Are people sometimes guilty of the same errors today? Explain.
6. How had the people reacted to God’s past responses – 50:21-23? What does He require them to do now?
7. Application: Describe David’s confession of sin in 51:1-4. What should we learn about what God requires when we sin? (Think: What sin occasioned this request from David?)
8. Case Study: Many people say 51:5 means all people are born totally depraved because they inherit the guilt of Adam’s sin. Use Scripture to respond. See Ezekiel 18:20; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Matthew 18:3; Psalms 106:37,38; etc. How do you explain 51:5?
9. Describe David’s plea for forgiveness according to 51:6-10.
10. How will David’s circumstances change if God forgives him according to 51:11-15?
11. What sacrifices did David think were more important than animal sacrifices – 51:16-19? What lessons should we learn?
Video should be available July 25 at https://rumble.com/c/BibleStudy
