Could John Fetterman be, to some extent, a blessing in disguise?
Might he also be undergoing a disillusionment with his own party as others have undergone?
I suppose we will just have to keep a close watch on the man and take note of what policy decisions he decides to support. One thing to take into consideration is that he has undergone a lot of physical adversity and the thing about adversity, especially the adversities that seem insurmountable is that they have a way of driving people to do some honest self-examination and soul-searching and can even bring about in them a change in them for the better, including spiritual and moral changes. Now whether this ends up being the case with Senator Fetterman or not remains to be seen, but it would be nice if he does, out of personal conviction, seek to be a better Senator and a better person for that matter and put aside self-serving ambitions and seek the best interests of the nation at heart.