I received my ballot in the mail today. I voted in the Presidential election in the 3rd Congressional district in Washington state. Washington state is a mail-in state, although most conservatives prefer those who can get to polls on election day be required to vote at polls. I voted straight Republican and voted for all candidates recommended by the Cowlitz County Republican Party that I can vote for. I will be dropping my ballot in a county owned ballot drop box.
Seven states allow the option of putting a single ballot mark for straight ticket voting which allows for voting for all candidates of a single party in all general election races with one candidate of that party on the ballot for a election race. Washington is not one of those states. It would have saved time if I had a straight ticket option on my ballot. Washington has a top two primary which has the top two candidates in the primary advance to the general election. All the partisan races that I voted on had at least one Republican on the ballot. There is a Cowlitz County Commissioners race with two Republicans listed.