What Is Open Theism? And Is It Biblical?

Blogpost highlights:

“as Christians, our concern with any given teaching or doctrine should not be whether or not it conflicts with any given statement of faith, but rather whether or not it conflicts with biblical teaching, because the respective faith statements of any given denomination or organization within the body of Christ can be in some form or fashion at odds with scripture themselves.”

“Open Theism…attacks the integrity of God and His character by suggesting that He is subject to change and it attacks the trustworthiness of the scriptures…by also suggesting that the revelation contained in the scriptures may also be subject to change as to their applicability and relevancy which is why Open Theism must be declared by all who profess to hold to a biblical worldview a false doctrine and a heresy”

Contender's Edge: What Is Open Theism? And Is It Biblical?

  A Christian Post news item from 2003 reported on a controversy within the Evangelical Theological Seminary (ETS) over a teaching called “O...