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Jan 20, 2025 - Decadence and Dictatorship that Obama brings to USA is President govern by millions of Decree like a Despotic King George III and Dictator things that only was done in typicall Totalitarian, Tyrant and Authoritarian Dictatorships...

Executive Orders was rarely used in EUA before 2008 and can be SHOT DOWN BY SCOTUS that was taken by Tyrants, Criminals, Terrorists and Traitors depend of what President make these decrees. In Trump case millions of these E.O was invalidated by Judiciary system that was taken by Satanists... Only of Satanists agents like Obama and Biden are uphold and not deleted by Judiciary and SCOTUS like what is happening in Brazil, Venezuela and all Tyrannical Governments like of West Europe that are deploying dictatorship and in all Dictatorships like China/Russia and like is happening in Japan since 2013.

Jan 20, 2025 - Trump MORE than 200 Executive Orders was sign today

20/01/2025 - Trump: MAIS de 200 Ordens Executivas para HOJE — Canal de Brasilia