Hi Everybody

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit.

A broken and a contrite heart-

These, O God, You will not despise.

David speaking when Nathan the prophet went to him,

after he had gone in to Bathsheba.

Psalm 51:17

David had committed heinous sin -

not only did he commit adultery

but he sent the husband to the front line to die

- so then David was free to marry the lady.

However God sees and knows everything -

the innermost thoughts and intents of our heart.

And as David was also genuinely repentant -

desiring the presence of God's Holy Spirit more than anything else.

God allowed the child of that illicit union to die,

just penalty for wrong doing,

But God also forgave David

and David lived to become the greatest earthly king

that Israel ever had.

God Bless and Go You Bless,

Janet and John


Please send on to others if you would like to do it.

Arke Ministries Fellowship Australia

Our vision is to preach the salvation of God that is found in Jesus Christ our Lord to the ends of the earth.