My Guardian,
As a parent we all know the immense responsibility that comes with being in charge of another human life, or lives. Are we teaching them all they need to know to handle life well? Have we taught them to be respectful and courteous? Have we made clear to them their need of a Savior? This list of questions could go on all day! It’s a huge responsibility!
Isn’t it thrilling to know that Jesus is Guardian over our souls and that it’s not all up to us? He has taken full responsibility to form us, to give us the lives we live, to conform us to His Image with each passing trial, and to continue to walk with us as our great Guardian, teaching us, and directing us with each new day. Peter wrote about this very thing...“Once you were like sheep who wandered away, but now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls.” - 1 Peter 2:25.
What I really appreciate about Peter’s writing on this topic is that he speaks from his own story. He was prone to acting before thinking, and at times, his promises were bigger than his ability to follow through, and he wandered off track. But through it all he learned about great forgiveness and mercy from Jesus’ example. The result? He knew he needed to stay close to His Guardian, and he did.
Dear friends, may we wake each day committing the care of our souls to the One Who alone is worthy of guarding and guiding it. After all, we’re not our own to lead or protect...