Spiritual Amnesia …
The news these days is filled with so many concerns! The spreading coronavirus, corrupt politicians, rising antisemitism, violence in schools, etc etc etc...but meanwhile there’s a spiritual problem of great concern that is plaguing the church today; We’ve forgotten all that God has done for us. And we’ve forgotten His power.
In fact, we shake our heads when we read about the Children of Israel wanting to go back to Egypt after all they had seen of God’s great deliverance. How does anyone witness the parting of the Red Sea, and celebrate their great escape from slavery, only to beg to go back for leeks? It seems ridiculous to us, but they had forgotten all God had done for them.
Likewise, shortly after the miracle of water being turned into wine, Jesus was with his disciples teaching thousands of people, when they realized it was getting late and they all needed to be fed. “What are we to do?” the disciples asked. Had they already forgotten that Jesus can turn water into wine? And that nothing is impossible with Him?
Friends, we get forgetful, too. How often we get caught up in the stress and pain of the present moment, forgetting all the past trials God has faithfully brought us through-many of them much greater than the trial that faces us now! It’s so wise to keep a mental account of all His goodness to us.
We have a Deliverer, a miracle working Savior Whose “eyes are still searching the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” - 2 Chronicles 16:9.
May we never forget Him.