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4 yrs

My thoughts on Rodney?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

^^ Anyone remember that bit? ^^
To willingly “choose” not to gather is an entirely different issue than being legally “forced” by fiat to no longer assemble. We have a right to use common sense, be led by the Spirit, etc. etc. ... But that’s still a free “choice.” Extremely important. Because one person’s definition of a dire situation meriting the suspension of human rights may subjectively differ from another’s.
Whether Rodney should have gathered in good conscience, or whether it was ethical is an entirely moot point. The choice belonged to him and his parishioners.
A human right means something is God-given and supersedes any government control to the contrary (i.e. were Christians in the Soviet Union - or in Muslim countries today - sinning by gathering together, even though it “broke the laws of the land?” Was it a sin to resist Jim Crow laws?)
*FYI - these current developments also set precedent to shut down the media in times of “crisis” as well. So hope you’re all paying attention to what the real crisis is at the moment.

4 yrs

The internationally influential pastor of The River at Tampa Bay Church, Rodney Howard-Browne, was taken into custody Monday by Hernando County sheriff's deputies for holding a church service Sunday in defiance of social-distancing orders.

Liberty Counsel, which is representing Howard-Browne, said Hernando County Sheriff Chad Chronister held a press conference announcing the arrest in which he invited two speakers to scold the pastor.

Pastor arrested for holding church in defiance of 'social distancing' orders - WND

Pastor arrested for holding church in defiance of 'social distancing' orders - WND

The pastor of The River at Tampa Bay Church, Rodney Howard-Browne, was taken into custody on Monday by Hernando County sheriff's deputies for holding a church service Sunday – in defiance of those "social distancing" orders.