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Stress Mess: Three in Five Millennials Say Life More Stressful Now Than Ever!

From slow WIFI to broken phone screens to "Zero" likes on social media, everyday stressers are causing young adults to have struggles falling asleep 138 nights a year, according to researchers. Top twenty reasons for millennials to stress. #1. Losing wallet/credit card. #2. Arguing with partner.  #3. Commute/traffic delays.  #4. Losing phone.  #5. Arriving late to work.  #6. Slow WiFi.  #7. Phone battery dying.  #8.Forgetting passwords.  #9. Credit card fraud.  #10. Forgetting phone charger.  #11. Losing/misplacing keys.  #12. Paying bills.  #13. Job interviews.  #14. Phone screen breaking.  #15. Credit card bills.  #16. Check engine light comes on.  #17. School loan payments.  #18. Job security.  #19.  Choosing what to wear.  #20. Washing dishes.

Survey was conducted by the market research firm OnePoll.
