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Central Banks Have Been Shorting Gold and Silver now Buying? Interesting !

World renoun precious metels expert Andrew Maguire says pay attention to the new rule that goes into effect at the end of March that will allow Gold to be Fully Valued and Monetized as a TIER 1 Asset by Banks aroung the World! Maguire explains, "Basel Three is coming into effect in less than two weeks from now, and it will effectively Remonetize Physical Gold. Of course that is a Big Deal !  While the synthetic players shuffle chips in this siloed CME casino, the Insider Bullion Banks are positioning for Higher Gold Prices! That is it right there! Bottom Line so what are the Big Boys Doing"? So is it safe to say Central Banks and Big Banks are going Long Gold? Maguire says, "They're all going Long Gold. Why is that? It is because they are already allocating Gold for their personal Accounts..... The minute the Global Physical Markets see Unallocated Positions are being Mark to Market at a certain price, the Physical Market Will Explode"!  Read more at GregHunter'sWatchDog.com

Wow, Exciting News !
