Amy Coney Barrett, born Amy Vivian Coney, New Orleans, Louisiana in 1972. She is a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Circuit Court of the Seventh Circuit. She is a Professor of Law at Notre Dame Law School and was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law at George Washington Law School. Married to Jesse M. Barrett, Assistant US Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana. They have seven Children, five of their own and two adopted from Hati. Judge Amy is considered a Centralist on the Court. She is 46 years old and a Devout Catholic. She is from a very large Family that appears to have deep ties to a Christian Community known as People of Praise. In Her Graduation speech Amy, referenced God, saying, "No matter how excitting my career is, what is it really worth if you don't make it part of a bigger life project to know, Love and Serve the God who made you?" In 2017, US Senator Diane Finestein (D-CA) caused Controversy when Amy was nominated to the Federal Appellate Court by bring up her Religion and saying she was concerned, "The Dogma Lives Loudly Within You!"
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