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America's Wall Is Going To Happen ! Americans Have Waited Long Enough ! Build That Wall !

Photos are the Finished Prototypes of various concepts of what the wall could look like! The Border Patrol favor the Bollard Steel see through type! The Heights range from Eighteen to Thirty Feet Tall. Pentagon finds $12.8 Billion for President's Wall ! The Pentagon's List shows possible funding sources that are "in access" of the amount needed. But it's not clear which Projects the Defence Department will draw from. Some States that have been alocated Big Chunks of Money that haven't been spent could see a hit. California for example, was identified as having more than $700 Million of unused Army and Navy Military Construction that could be used! More than $200 Million in similar funding allocated for Hawaii, Maine, New York, North Carolina, Guam, Germany, and Guantanamo Bay Cuba are also on the list!
