July 4th - The Rebirth of the Republic Starts with You

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A Nationalist's rant on the New World Order takeover.


JULY 4th 2020:

The Republican form of government gave way to freedom-killing Democracy,
as an ignorant citizenry welcomed their new masters with open arms,
relinquishing the dwindling vestiges of their former God-Given rights.
Our forefathers' blood was spilled, only to give rise to complacent generations
heedless of those that sacrificed, discourteous to their names
and only too eager to forget this Republic's blessed' rise from ashes,
only to usher it to the dust heap they aided the enemy in creating.

On this fourth day of July, as you celebrate your new found bondage
with face-covering muzzles and ritualistic abuse, just remember
that it was your voluntarily surrender
to the New World Order that brought a mighty nation to its knees
in just a few days with not one single shot fired.

To those deceived into exuding such vile vitriol in the name
of political affiliation and virtue signaling,
know that these false ideologies you seethe in anger over
were manufactured by those you worship as your political gods.
The very crisis' they offer solutions toward are the ones they create.
The history you've been force-fed is revisionist,
bastardized by the Pied Pipers of Deceit.
Your hatred for this Republic is birthed in Hell.

Compliance is Capitulation.
Capitulation is Slavery.
Slavery is Imprisonment.
Imprisonment is Death.

-- Anthony "Abaddon" Radovcic, Anno Domine 2020 - July 4th


As you stuff your fat face of delusional righteous indignation with hot-dogs
and burgers while waiving your sparklers aimlessly in the air,
take a moment to reflect on those that created the idea of this Republic,
of those that fought to construct it; of those that fought
and continue fighting to preserve it.
That much is owed.

Release the thoughts that bind your mind.
Propaganda through government controlled media, institutionalized manipulation
through the public school system and universities have made you both
-- dumb and blind.
There are filters to view our World through:
- The Holy Bible
- The Constitution of the United States.

Join me and other patriots in reigning down the wrath of God
on the heads of the New World Order
and those that choose the side of our enemies.
Those that have perverted the Laws of God into manipulating
the masses deserve not out tolerance any longer.
When the Silent Majority raises it collective voice to the sky,
will will end this New Age of Madness.

Socialism is Death.
Social Justice is Death.
Social Democracy is Death.
Liberalism is Death.
Marxist is Death.
Communism is Death.
Democratic Party is Death.
Republican Party is Death.
Wealth Distribution is Death.
Re-Distribution of Wealth is Death.
Tax on Labor is Death.
New World Order is Death.

COVID-19 is not Death through the workings of a Virus,
but a successful Coup in the former United States.
There was NEVER a Curve to Flatten.

If you choose not to stand, you'll be interred
in the same ground as the corpses of Tyrants.
As God judges us by His Word, so shall we judge the enemy by their intent,
by His Word and the Constitution.
Fear not the Lawless Ones,
for they inhabit only flesh and their powers come from your consent.
Rescind your consent and the flesh will die.
Treason deserves death.

-- Anthony "Abaddon" Radovcic, Anno Domine 2020 - July 4th
