COVID is a COUP: statistics prove it

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Covid-19 is not a Virus, it is a successful COUP by the New World Order.

COVID-19 Stats as of August 14, 2020:
by Anthony "Abaddon" Radovcic

There was NEVER a "Curve" to Flatten!
Operation C-19 is a successful Coup that took over the U.S..

* No one died from it.
* No one you know died from it.
* No one has it or had it in the past.
* It does not exist in our population.
* You believe the Propaganda and Capitulated to the New World Order.
* Even with rigged numbers, it does not exist.

Allergies, Cold, Flu, Pneumonia, Pulmonary disease (COPD)
and other Respiratory illness still exist and are being classified as Covid intentionally
being used along with Defective Tests and Presumptive diagnosis to drive up the numbers
to fuel the hysteria and justify our enslavement.

There are still no emergency rooms overwhelmed with patients or incinerators used anywhere in the United States or the rest of the world to dispose of bodies contaminated with Covid.

WORLDWIDE - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 7,800,000,000 (7.8 Billion)
Infected: 20,936,041 = (0.268%)
Recovered: 13,006,841 = (0.166%)
Deaths: 759,844 = (0.009%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.991% of the Population.

UNITED STATES - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 331,002,651
Infected: 5,262,048 = (1.589%)
Recovered: 2,695,456 = (0.814%)
Deaths: 167,133 = (0.050%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.95% of the Population.

CALIFORNIA - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 39,937,489
Infected: 603,008 = (1.509%)
Recovered: no data = (%)
Deaths: 10,995 = (0.027%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.973% of the Population.

LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CA. - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 12,447,000
Infected: 216,139 = (1.736%)
Recovered: no data = (%)
Deaths: 5,171 = (0.041%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.959% of the Population.

ORANGE COUNTY, CA. - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 3,179,950
Infected: 42,171 = (1.326%)
Recovered: 32,984 = (1.037%)
Deaths: 769 = (0.024%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.976% of the Population.

VENTURA COUNTY, CA. - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 851,297
Infected: 9,005 = (1.057%)
Recovered: 5,312 = (0.623%)
Deaths: 94 = (0.011%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.989% of the Population.

RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA. - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 2,517,830
Infected: 44,747 = (1.777%)
Recovered: 22,381 = (0.888%)
Deaths: 879 = (0.034%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.966% of the Population.

SAN BERNARDINO, CA. - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 2,153,200
Infected: 38,811 = (1.802%)
Recovered: 30,157 = (1.400%)
Deaths: 558 = (0.025%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.975% of the Population.

NEW YORK - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 19,440,469
Infected: 428,155 = (2.202%)
Recovered: 73,779 = (0.379%)
Deaths: 32,399 = (0.166%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.834% of the Population.

FLORIDA - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 21,480,000
Infected: 557,129 = (2.593%)
Recovered: no data = (%)
Deaths: 8,912 = (0.041%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.959% of the Population.

TEXAS - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 29,900,000
Infected: 536,336 = (1.793%)
Recovered: 375,760 = (1.256%)
Deaths: 9,878 = (0.033%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.967% of the Population.

Let's compare COVID-19 to the SPANISH FLU:

Population: 103,208,000
Infected: no data = (%)
Recovered: no data = (%)
Deaths: 675,000 = (0.654%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.346% of the Population.

Population: 1,800,000,000 (1.8 Billion)
Infected: - 500,000,000 (estimated)
Recovered: no data = (%)
Deaths: 50,000,000 = (2.777%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 97.233% of the Population.

* "Deaths" represents: Tested + Assumed Positive, not Tested.
* "Deaths" included results from known faulty Tests.
* Sources for Number of "Confirmed Deaths"
* Numbers for U.S. Population(s) taken from
* "Infected" or "Cases" are 1 person multiplied by 15 for Contact Tracing.

by: Anthony "Abaddon" Radovcic, Anno Domine 2020

You'll be sorry when they hit you
with their Second Wave (Dark Winter) or Third or Fourth.
A perpetual Lockdown.

The New World Order ALWAYS tells you what they are going to
do to you before they do it and you keep ignoring the warnings.

Additional Calculations:

CROATIA - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 4,105,267
Infected: 6,050 = (0.147%)
Recovered: 5,078 = (0.123%)
Deaths: 161 = (0.0039%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.9961% of the Population.

ROMANIA - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 19,237,691
Infected: 66,631 = (0.346%)
Recovered: 31,547 = (0.163%)
Deaths: 2,860 = (0.014%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.986% of the Population.

MEXICO - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 128,932,753
Infected: 505,751 = (0.392%)
Recovered: 341,507 = (0.264%)
Deaths: 55,293 = (0.042%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.958% of the Population.

CANADA - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 37,742,154
Infected: 121,234 = (0.321%)
Recovered: 107,553 = (0.284%)
Deaths: 9,015 = (0.023%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.977% of the Population.

NEW ZEALAND - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 4,822,233
Infected: 1,602 = (0.033%)
Recovered: 1,531 = (0.031%)
Deaths: 22 = (0.00045%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.99955% of the Population.

New Zealand is on Total Lockdown, restricted travel, fines and jail time The police are even beating the shit out of the citizenry and hailing them away to detention centers. Buildings were barricaded for fuck's sake.

AUSTRALIA - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 25,526,440
Infected: 22,743 = (0.089%)
Recovered: 13,345 = (0.052%)
Deaths: 375 = (0.0014%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.9986% of the Population.

CHINA (Mainland) - As of August 14, 2020:
Population: 1,439,323,776
Infected: 84,786 = (0.005%)
Recovered: 79,462 = (0.005%)
Deaths: 4,634 = (0.00032%)
Healthy, Alive and Enslaved: 99.99968% of the Population.

* Revelation 13:16–18
* Digital Currency
- No More Paper/Coin
- using Covid as and excuse
- false shortage / carrier of disease
* Event 201
* Digital ID/Passport
* Digital Immunity
* Social Credit Score
* Digital Banking/Commerce
* ID2020 "Certification Mark"
* Covid-19 - Patent# 10130701
* Lockstep
* Crypto-Currency (Implant) - Patent# WO2020060606
* Vectored immunoprophylaxis (alters DNA)
* Gates Foundation: Eugenics/Population Control
* UN Agenda 2030
* Operation Jade-Helm
* Google Skinmarks
* Bill Gates: "Final Solution" as he referred to his vaccince

by: Anthony "Abaddon" Radovcic, Anno Domine 2020
