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These Illegal Aliens Are Climbing Over Our Southern Border as Thousands are Entering America!

Illegal Aliens: These People continue their Criminal Crossings on our Southern Border by the Thousands! To help People understand the seriousness of the Continuing Problem at Our Southern Border, here are some Statistics: In America currently are 44.5 Million Illegal Aliens receiving Housing Assistance, Free Education and Financial Support in 2017. The article draws on the most Recent Resources and Data from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) ; The US Census Bureau (Using it's 2017 American Community Survey [ACS],  2018 Current Population Survey {CPS}, and 2000 Decennial Census); and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and State Department. (Note: DHS and State Department Data Refer Fiscal Years on October 1  and end on September 30;  ACS and CPS Data refer Calendar Years).

Note: This isn't  11.5 Million, it's 44.5 Million Illegal Aliens In Our Country! Each one of these are receiving more money than You or I will Ever See!
