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Frank Marshall Davis, Communist Party USA ! In the 1930's Chicago, CPUSA was recruiting Journalists to help spread Soviet Influence in American Public Opinion. Frank Marshall Davis was one of them.

Frank Marshall Davis, (1905-1987) Was a Communist Party USA (CPUSA) Propagandist in Chicago and Hawaii, as well as a Writer and Poet. The FBI had Davis under investigation or surveillance for 19 years, compiling a 600 page report. A graduate of Kansas Journalism School, Frank Marshall Davis joined the Communist Party and began writing for the Chicago Star. He was a Colleague of Journalist Vernon Jarrett,  Father-In-Law of Obama Confidant Valerie Jarrett. Davis also taught at Chicago's Abraham Lincoln School. A Communist run Training School run by CPUSA. In 1948 Davis was reassigned to Honolulu and began writing for the Communist Newspaper, the Honolulu Record. He wrote, American Capilalism started WW2, denounced the Marshall Plan, Preached Wealth Redistribution, Nationalization of Industry, Government Health Care, while Bashing Wall Street!  In Dreams From My Real Father, it makes the case that on August 4th, 1961, Frank Marshall Davis became the Father of the Future 44th President and Indoctrinated Him with a Marxist Ideology during His Formative Years!  As Paul Harvey would say, "And that's the rest of the story!" 

DV Salts 6 yrs

All of that is the good side of Frank Marshall Davis. That man was S-I-C-K.

Gary Mac 6 yrs

Any wonder why chicago has so many problems?Even as a child I was aware of its crime boss history.If I had been born there I think I would have sought a way to leave