Depleting Military Stock

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Why depleting military stock by sending to Ukraine will help the war end sooner (the EU and US will have nothing to fight with). There will be less death and destruction when weapons are destroyed while still in trucks.

Depleting Military Stocks


News source: natural


My Comments in Italics


During the recent military withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Biden regime left behind $10+ billion in US military hardware, including aircraft, helicopters, armored vehicles, missiles, munitions, firearms and more. This was, of course, a deliberate effort to arm America’s enemies while depleting America’s own military hardware stockpiles.

First, this is all part of the plan, as making war is big profit. And, you need an opposing army big enough to justify a war.


The Ukraine conflict is yet another scheme where Biden, under the control of communist China, is disposing of America’s munitions by feeding them into the “Russia grinder” where these weapons are destroyed on their way to the front lines in Ukraine.


Though our enemy (our respective governments) hope to make more money from Ukraine war, it will backfire. With more weapons destoryed from US and EU stockpiles the better it is for the whole world, as, what would we have to fight with? Also, other nations can 'rest at night,' as the US and its allies have caused unjust wars in many nations – Syria is an example.


The goal of this is not merely to help Ukraine win the war (which looks hopeless at this point) but rather to deplete America’s weapons stockpiles in an effort to weaken America before China’s long-planned invasion gets under way.


Don't blame this on China, as it takes traitors in our government to allow this, and it takes apparatchiks at all levels who say, “I'm just doing my job; we got to follow orders,” ad nausa.


China is watching carefully and calculating the rapid draw-down of America’s anti-tank weapons, drones, armored vehicles, artillery units, artillery ammunition and other key elements that would be necessary for America to defend herself against a Chinese invasion. The more of these weapons are sent to Ukraine, the weaker America’s homeland defenses become.


Good. There was no need from the very beginning for America to be armed to the teeth. America has about 800 overseas bases. So, who is really controling the world? China can't invade; bomb, but not invade. Besides, why whould they do this? They would not be able to sell to Walmart anymore!


The Biden regime is run by Obama, who has been working to weaken and dismantle the USA

Understand that Biden is run by Obama, and Obama has been working with globalists to destroy the United States from the very start of his administration in January, 2009. Some of the attacks on America that have been waged with the help of Obama include culture wars, racial division, extreme censorship, economic warfare, dumbing down of public education, mass depopulation efforts with deadly vaccines, the purging of conservatives from the US military and the carrying out of mass domestic terrorism by the FBI, which ran the Gov. Whitmer “kidnapping” false flag operation.


Despite all the attacks, America has a very strong military, so every effort is being made to wipe out USA military hardware and personnel. The shipping of hardware to Ukraine is only one small part of that effort, however.


The strength of US military does not depend on the hardware but their obedience to God's laws. When there is none, God brings destruction. He also works through the agency of man (read Jeremiaha chapter 49, as one example). Also, US soldiers have no morals, and when they are shot up with drugs, how good do you think they can fight? If other nations sat back and did nothing they (other nations) would win.



The larger effort appears to be a deliberate attempt to provoke Putin into a retaliation against America’s military troops who are gathering in Poland in anticipation of a summertime counter attack against Russia. The most likely weapon that will be used in this escalation, according to our sources, is a Fuel Air Explosive weapon, also known as a “thermobaric” bomb.


A thermobaric bomb is devastating against personnel but unable to breach concrete bunkers or armored vehicles. However, it disintegrates the human body with horrifying efficiency, and it can cover a very wide area when deployed. Russia has possessed such weapons since the 1960s and has mastered their deployment.


Some people claim the following video records the deployment of a Russian thermobaric bomb in Ukraine, in early March. Although it appears to depict a mushroom cloud, there was no radiation from this blast, indicating it was not a nuclear weapon.



Biden is pushing Russia into escalating retaliation

Observing the fact that the Pentagon is now bragging to the NYT about taking part in the sinking of the Moskva (Russian flagship), it is apparent that Biden wants to goad Russia into an escalating retaliation against NATO and the USA.


Yes, the Russian ship, Moskva, was sunk but notice that the media dares not say how many more weapons were destroyed by Russia of US and EU military supplies crossing Ukraine boarders. Russia had done more damage than the US did against Moskva.



Russia’s primary choices of weapons for that escalation are:


Hypersonic cruise missiles – impossible for NATO to stop, typically carry kinetic explosives

Thermobaric bombs (Fuel Air Explosives) – highly effective anti-personnel bombs which can destroy large numbers of people, but do not release radiation

EMP weapons – Plunges the target area into a 19th century existence without power, but may risk causing nuclear power plants to lose control, leading to meltdowns

Nuclear weapons – Unleashes radioactivity and invites international condemnation and possible breaking of ties with India and Turkey

Thus, the most obvious retaliatory weapon of choice for Putin to attack US and NATO troops stationed in Poland is the use of a thermobaric bomb.


Obama / Biden no doubt invite this because it would destroy the ranks of the US military and leave America even more defenseless against an invasion from China.


For over 100 years, America has been “parnoid” about invasion; instilling fear in their citizens. When in fact, this was all part of the plan – to give them justification for creating and entering wars. This will soon end.


Remember: Everything Biden does is calculated by Obama to erode the defensive power of the US military, either through attrition of active duty soldiers or the disposal of US munitions. Biden’s handlers are treasonous actors who hope to bring down America and see it conquered by communists.


Biden himself is treasonous; he does not create the orders but he sure says and does what he is told. So, he is just as bad. Also, the US (as well as the rest of the world) is already and has been under communism for a long time. Example, all planks of the Communist Manifesto has been filled in the US and other nations. Now, with what has been going on the past two years, with this Covid, how can you get more Communist than that?


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