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Nuclear Tunnel Boring Machine was developed to Accelerate Boring Through Earth

The Nuclear Tunnel Boring Machine was developed to Accelerate the boring of tunnels under the Earth. This $13 Million Dollar Tunnel Boring Machine or (TBN) was used for tunneling the Nevada Test Site. (Remember that area 51 is part of the Test Site) Many other types of TBM's are used by many Govt. Agencies including the "Nuclear Powered TBM" that melts solid rock and leaves behind glass-like walls and can tunnel 7 miles in a day. Most tunneling activity is under Military Installations and all information is highly restricted. Former employees of said Facilities have surfaced over the years to talk of Massive Underground Installations in places like Area 51, Northrop Facility in Antelope Valley, CA. (Rumored to have 42 Levels) and the Lockheed Installation near Edwards, CA. The U.S. Govt. through the NSA, DOD, CIA, DIA, ATF, ONI,US ARMY, US MARINE Corp, FEMA and DHS have Spent in Excess of  $12 Trillion Dollars, building the Massive, Covert Infrastructure for the Coming One World Government and the New World Religion!  Pope Francis and the Islamic leader joined to form the New World Religion February 2019! 

Jim York 6 yrs

Good information. I am sure that the bunkers are reserved for a select group of people. I guess the rest of us are on our own if things go South.