John the Baptist Series #3 Part 3 John And His Message - John 3:31-36

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He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. And what he hath seen and heard, that he testifieth; and no man receiveth his testimony. He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal

John’s (the Evangelist) Testimony of Jesus
In light of what John the Baptist said, John the Evangelist now adds his own testimony about Jesus and those who would be His followers.
First, he says, Jesus is above all because he came from heaven. No one on earth has greater authority for Jesus was sent from heaven above. Despite that authority, John looks at those around him and says, no man receives this testimony. He means that because of who Jesus is all show heard him should have believed in Him and yet the nation of Israel rejected Him, the Romans crucified Him and the Jews and the Romans were now persecuting the Lord’s church, left behind to give witness of their heaven sent savior.
It’s the second thing he said that is important to us. John 3:33 He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true.
Not all reject the word of Jesus for those who receive his testimony accept them as being from God. John says, he sets his seal, signs the document, put his reputation on the line. That person believes. They believe every word, every promise, every lesson, every parable that Jesus spoke. They believe what Jesus said.
And they believe who Jesus was. They believe that he was sent from heaven, loved by the Father, filled by the Spirit, and given authority over all.
One final thing Jesus says in this passage about those who believe and those who don’t believe. Those who believe John says, have everlasting life but those who don’t believe will not see life, instead of light and life all they will ever see is the wrath of God that abides on them right now. A terrible judgment that cannot be removed without faith in the One from Above.
Trusting The Testimony
John says there are two groups of people when it comes to Jesus, those who believe His testimony and those who will not believe. Those who believe, accept the truth of Jesus’ words, life and teaching. They accept Jesus as the Son of God sent by God to save us from the wrath of God. They believe that Jesus is above all and that in Him and only in Him we have eternal life and hope.
The other group are those who will not hear or if they hear will not respond in simple faith. They aren’t just rejecting a belief system, a religion, a world view. No, John says they are rejecting Jesus. In vss 30-36 Jesus is referred to 12 times. Its all about Jesus and if we don’t believe in Him, then we are denying Him, we are denying His words, denying His invitation to come unto Him and denying His death on the cross for my sin. We are even denying that God is true.