Launch Out Into The Deep Part 3 Completion and Confession - Luke 5:6-9

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And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw

Reward and Repentance

Peter does what the Lord says. It seems he had taken Jesus into the boat, probably to show him this wasn’t go to work. He then launches out into the deep and lets down his net.
In my mind, I see it. No sooner had the net hit the water and sunk down that it must have felt like the boat hit a rock. Peter and I imagine Andrew begins to try and draw the net in and so huge is the catch that the net begins to break.

The Bible says he beckoned to his partners. He is out in the deep and James and John are in another boat. So, he is trying to hold the net with one hand and waving with the other hand trying to get someone to launch out into the deep with him and help him draw in these fish.

John and James arrive and the probably put another net under Peter’s net and then they all lift the net and the catch was so great that both boats sink down to just inches above the water line.

Don’t you imagine that the Lord was smiling, maybe even laughing to himself at what was happening? Because after all He knew what was going to happen all along.

When Peter sees what has happened, he falls down at the feet of Jesus and repents. He confesses his doubts, his fear and his pride. “Depart from me for I am a sinful man, Oh Lord.” Wwhat a confession.

In a way that he had never seen Jesus before, he sees him now as Lord and in comparison Peter can only see himself as a sinner, unworthy to be in the same place as Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, The creator, ruler and Lord of all, even the Lord of fishermen and fish.

The Bible says, “For he was amazed.” Literally that means, For a wonder held him round. The wonder of what they had seen surrounded and held Peter fast with all the others.

Isn’t it amazing, Peter had cast a net that caught fish, but Jesus had cast a miracle that caught Peter.

Risk and Repentance

Peter would never have come to this place, never come to the feet of Jesus, never seen Jesus as much more than just a Rabbi had he not obeyed the Lord and launched out into the deep.

He risked much in obeying the Lord.

He risked embarrassment from all those people and other fishermen on shore. “Look at Peter he’s going back out to fish at the wrong time and in the wrong place.”

He risked all that he owned. His nets began to break and his ship begins to sink. If he lost these things he would lose everything he had in this world.

He even risked his life. We know from the story of Peter walking on the water that he probably can’t swim. If the boat goes down Peter could die.

Yet because he risked it all in obedience to Christ that he was able to truly see Jesus in ways he had not seen Him before. It really comes down to this question for us all, where is our obedience? Where is our risk? And where is our repentance?

When have you obeyed the Lord in spite of you doubts and fears? When have you risked everything you have and everything you are in obedience to him? When was the last time you fell at the feet of Jesus and realized, “I shouldn’t be loved my Him? I shouldn’t have been forgiven by Him. I shouldn’t share heaven with the one who is the Creator, Ruler and Lord of All. No, I shouldn’t be here, but I am here and all I can do is fall at your feet. My Lord, My God, My Jesus.

Have you heard Jesus invitation to trust Him, are you willing to risk it, willing to test Him and see of this salvation thing is real? Oh you’ll never know the amazement, the “wonder holding you round about,” until you launch out in the deep of your doubts and fears and let down your net and trust Jesus.

Launch Out Into the Deep
Part 3 Completion and Confession - Luke 5:6-9

And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken:

Reward and Repentance

Peter does what the Lord says. It seems he had taken Jesus into the boat, probably to show him this wasn’t go to work. He then launches out into the deep and lets down his net.
In my mind, I see it. No sooner had the net hit the water and sunk down that it must have felt like the boat hit a rock. Peter and I imagine Andrew begins to try and draw the net in and so huge is the catch that the net begins to break.

The Bible says he beckoned to his partners. He is out in the deep and James and John are in another boat. So, he is trying to hold the net with one hand and waving with the other hand trying to get someone to launch out into the deep with him and help him draw in these fish.

John and James arrive and the probably put another net under Peter’s net and then they all lift the net and the catch was so great that both boats sink down to just inches above the water line.

Don’t you imagine that the Lord was smiling, maybe even laughing to himself at what was happening? Because after all He knew what was going to happen all along.

When Peter sees what has happened, he falls down at the feet of Jesus and repents. He confesses his doubts, his fear and his pride. “Depart from me for I am a sinful man, Oh Lord.” Wwhat a confession.

In a way that he had never seen Jesus before, he sees him now as Lord and in comparison Peter can only see himself as a sinner, unworthy to be in the same place as Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, The creator, ruler and Lord of all, even the Lord of fishermen and fish.

The Bible says, “For he was amazed.” Literally that means, For a wonder held him round. The wonder of what they had seen surrounded and held Peter fast with all the others.

Isn’t it amazing, Peter had cast a net that caught fish, but Jesus had cast a miracle that caught Peter.

Risk and Repentance

Peter would never have come to this place, never come to the feet of Jesus, never seen Jesus as much more than just a Rabbi had he not obeyed the Lord and launched out into the deep.

He risked much in obeying the Lord.

He risked embarrassment from all those people and other fishermen on shore. “Look at Peter he’s going back out to fish at the wrong time and in the wrong place.”

He risked all that he owned. His nets began to break and his ship begins to sink. If he lost these things he would lose everything he had in this world.

He even risked his life. We know from the story of Peter walking on the water that he probably can’t swim. If the boat goes down Peter could die.

Yet because he risked it all in obedience to Christ that he was able to truly see Jesus in ways he had not seen Him before. It really comes down to this question for us all, where is our obedience? Where is our risk? And where is our repentance?

When have you obeyed the Lord in spite of you doubts and fears? When have you risked everything you have and everything you are in obedience to him? When was the last time you fell at the feet of Jesus and realized, “I shouldn’t be loved my Him? I shouldn’t have been forgiven by Him. I shouldn’t share heaven with the one who is the Creator, Ruler and Lord of All. No, I shouldn’t be here, but I am here and all I can do is fall at your feet. My Lord, My God, My Jesus.

Have you heard Jesus invitation to trust Him, are you willing to risk it, willing to test Him and see of this salvation thing is real? Oh you’ll never know the amazement, the “wonder holding you round about,” until you launch out in the deep of your doubts and fears and let down your net and trust Jesus.

Eight times in the NT Jesus says, “Come unto Me.” Eight times He is saying, "Trust me." Eight times He is saying, "Try me." Eight times He is saying, "Launch out into the deep with Me." - Pastor Kris Minefee
