5 sports equipment at home that keeps you from going to the gym

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5 sports equipment at home that keeps you from going to the gym

5 sports equipment at home that keeps you from going to the gym
First: the best sports machines for weight loss:
There are many sports devices that significantly reduce weight, but the best of these devices is the following:

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- Xbike:

This device is one of the latest slimming devices, as it is considered one of the best equipment for weight loss that works effectively to get rid of the fat accumulated in the lower areas of the body such as the back, abdomen and buttocks, and it is distinguished by allowing you to know the number of calories that you have lost, in addition to knowing the heartbeat through device screen.

اجهزة منزلية
- Feet Horse Step:

It is one of the best sports devices because it allows you to do more than one exercise for various parts of the body, which leads to tightening sagging legs, abdomen, arms and buttocks, and it is easy to use at any time and anywhere, which helps you reach the ideal body.

Second: The best home sports tools for women:
Women usually want to lose weight quickly, so you can buy the following:

اجهزة رياضية
- Jump rope:

Jumping rope is one of the easiest sports equipment that helps you lose weight and do cardio exercises. You can also mix jumping rope exercises with some other exercises to stimulate your metabolism and get rid of accumulated fat. The jumping rope is available in several places and at reasonable prices.

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- exercise mat:

If you are a fan of aerobics and yoga, you should own an exercise mat, which gives you protection and stability when performing exercise, as it is comfortable for the back and does not expose it to injuries like some other methods, but it is recommended to choose a non-slip mat so as not to expose you to injury, also choose a simple rope Somewhat thick.

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Third: Home bodybuilding tools:
If you are a fan of bodybuilding, it is certain that the acquisition of sports equipment will help you in this matter, and perhaps the most important of these sports equipment is dumbbells (weights), as it is distinguished by the abundance of exercises that you can perform with it, which helps to build muscles, so it is recommended to buy dumbbells that can change weights By increasing or decreasing weight discs, since buying new dumbbells with more weight each time your performance improves, is a very expensive process.

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Fourth: The best sports equipment alternative to the gym:
There are some sports equipment that may be an alternative to the gym, and the best of these equipment are the following:

The treadmill is one of the best sports equipment that helps in losing weight, as it burns 100 calories per mile, and this device is characterized by the ease of changing its speed in proportion to your performance, perhaps its only drawback is that it is not suitable for patients with arthritis.

Rowing machine:

The rowing machine is one of the best sports equipment, contrary to what some people think, as this device works to lose weight in all parts of the body, giving you a wonderful ideal weight, but it is not recommended to use it if you suffer from back pain so as not to put pressure on the vertebrae.

Fifth: The best device for slimming the abdomen and buttocks:
The chair device known as the "Father Rocket" is considered one of the best devices for slimming the abdomen and buttocks, as it works to tighten the muscles of the lower region of the body, and it is distinguished by the fact that it works on massaging the back, which protects you from back pain resulting from abdominal exercises, and it also contains a wheelchair so that you can From moving the waist area, which makes you lose more weight.

Thus, you have become acquainted with the best home sports equipment, and the uses of each of them. Choose the most suitable for you, and save yourself the trouble of going to gyms with high costs.
