In the Image of God: Sanctity of Life: Part 2 Sacred In Procreation - Psalms 139

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God’s word tells us that it was not just Adam that was a living soul special designed and created by God, but that all of Adam and Eve’s descendants also share this same unique touch of God.

God’s Touch On The Birth Of Man
David says in vs. 15 “My substance was not hid from thee,” literally, substance is “my strength, my bones and my sinews and my muscles.” Was not hidden from God “when I was made in secret.” God saw the child in the secret place of his mother’s womb and in His divine design of procreation He made the child. This was skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth.” The Hebrew could be translated “when I was interwoven of various colored threads,” when I was knit together. We can now look into that secret place of the womb with cameras and sonograms and what we see is a miracle only a little less amazing that the creation of Adam.
Timeline in the “Secret Place”
Stages of Baby Development From Conception to Birth By: Norma DeVault 13 June, 2017
In the week after conception, cell division and multiplication has already resulted in 100s of cells that are differentiating into the parts of the body they will be by birth. By two weeks the embryo has attached to the uterine wall.
In the first four weeks from conception, the baby develop the spinal cord, nervous system, gastrointestinal system, heart and lungs. By eight weeks, the face is forming, arms and legs move, the baby’s heart begins beating and the brain and other organs form.
By 12 weeks, the baby grows to 3 inches long and weighs 1 ounce. She can move fingers and toes. Fingerprints are present. The baby smiles, frowns, sucks, swallows and urinates. The sex of the baby can be discerned by this time.
During the second three months of pregnancy, the baby kicks, can hear and has a strong grip. At 16 weeks a strong heartbeat is evident. The skin is transparent and fingernails and toenails form. The baby can roll over in the amniotic fluid. At 20 weeks, the heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope. The baby has hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. He can suck his thumb and may have hiccups. By 24 weeks, the baby is 11 to 14 inches long and weighs 1 to 1 1/2 pounds. His skin is covered with a protective coating, his or her eyes are open
At 28 weeks initial breathing movements begin. She is adding body fat. By 32 weeks, the baby experiences periods of sleep and wakefulness and responds to sounds. A six months supply of iron is accumulating in the liver. By 36 to 38 weeks she is 19 or more inches long and weighs 6 pounds or more. At this point he or she is less active and gains immunities from her mother.
Before we leave this point, I want to look at one other important scripture because it specifically deals with how God views the child in its mother’s womb. Go to..
The Child In Womb from God Perspective
Exodus 21:22-25 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
What this verse clearly tells us is that God sees the child in the womb as fully human, with the same rights as the parent even before it is born. ts right here in the phrase "if any mischief follow." The word means if any harm comes from the injury to either the mother or the unborn child. If the woman is hit or knocked to the ground and her child comes early then the penalty shall be appropriate to the crime, “life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.”
That’s not barbarism, that is justice, that is appropriate. The punishment should fit the crime. This penalty written into the laws of the nation Israel, shows that God considered the unborn child fully a human being while still in the mother’s womb. Not as some say after it is born, not as some say with its first breath and certainly not as the Romans believe after months or years.
And what about today, in our modern enlightened, Oh so benevolent society? What do many, many people believe today? Let me give you a couple of quotes.
In 1993, ethicist Peter Singer suggested that no newborn should be considered a person until 30 days after birth and that the attending physician should kill some disabled babies on the spot. Years before in 1979 he wrote, “Human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons”; therefore, “the life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee.”
American University philosophy professor Jeffrey Reiman has asserted that unlike mature human beings, infants do not “possess in their own right a property that makes it wrong to kill them.” He explicitly holds that infants are not persons with a right to life and that “there will be permissible exceptions to the rule against killing infants that will not apply to the rule against killing adults and children.”
In 1973, when the Supreme Court ruled that abortion was legal in all 50 states based upon a new, made up, right to privacy, women now had the right to kill their own babies while still in the womb. This ruling resulted in abortion becoming a multi-million dollar a year industry with the yearly average of 1.5 million deaths a year, just in the United States alone. children. This ruling basically said that a child in the womb was not a human being and had no right to life.
It is estimated that as many as 75 million babies will be killed this year around the world. To put that in perspective, that is more than all the deaths, in all the wars, in all the history of the world, combined. It is more deaths than Hitler’s Holocaust, Lenin and Stalin’s starvation of their own people, more than the Chinese peasant deaths of Mao and the killing field of Cambodia.
Thank God and God’s people who refused to give up the fight here in the United States.
After the ruling that nullified Roe v. Wade there has been a dramatic reduction of abortions nationwide and in states like Texas that percentage is as high as 99% less. We will never fully realize the blessing that will come from saving innocent lives and we will never fully realize the terrible curse that followed the slaughter of millions of innocents.