Exodus Going With God #6: Going, Going, Gone - The Gods of Egypt, Part 3 The Battle of Blood - Exodus 12:3-7

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The death angel approaches. We don’t know the night, but he is always coming. How can we protect our children? Isn’t it in the same way that the Hebrews prepared that first Passover night? They placed them under the protection of the shed blood. Those parents sprinkled the blood of the

And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it.

God And Blood That Was Shed

In the last plague, the last battle, God’s judgment sheds Egypt’s blood but He brings deliverance though the shed blood of a lamb.

Remember that this plague, by far the worst of all the plagues, is also the last. God has, over and over shown his power in every home, pasture, river, palace and temple of Egypt. None have escaped the plagues upon their land, upon their bodies, upon their crops and upon their cattle. God has clearly and openly declared unto all, “I am God. The only God.”

Yet now at the very last, Pharoah and the Egyptians still would not listen when they are told your children will die. The people go to bed that night after a year of the most undeniable signs and wonders and they hold the lifeless bodies of their children in their arms as proof of their stubborn hearts and unbending wills.

Then later that night God delivered his people from judgment and from captivity by the blood of a shed lamb. There was power in that shed blood by the word of God. Power to save and power to deliver those who believed God’s word through Moses and Aaron. Through that shed blood, God delivered his people from judgment and from bondage.

The Judgment of the Blood Today

In our “Be Your Own God World” today our children are dying in number much greater than on that fateful night in Egypt.

Our news is filled with children who are gunned down in drive-by shootings, with teens who commit suicide or take drugs until death takes them. They live nihilistic lives that deny God and his forgiveness. Children are dying because their parents reject God, and the Gospel. They believe in themselves; they are the gods of this age and they willfully ignore the warnings of the death angel.

The death angel approaches, and we don’t know the time or night when he will pass over our house, but he is coming. He may not come when your children are young and pliable. He may come when they are teenagers and rebellious. He may not even come when they are still at home but he will come. He always comes.

How can we protect them? How can we prepare them for the touch of the angel of death? Isn’t it in the same way that the Hebrew parents protected their little ones on that first Passover night? They put them under the blood. That night those believing parents sprinkled the blood of the lamb on the doorposts and lintels of their home. For God said, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.”

This is still our only protection. We must apply the blood of God’s own lamb, Jesus Christ, to protect our home and our families. We must tell our children of Jesus, the son of God, given on the cross of Calvary to save our souls. We must take our children to Church, teach them the Bible, pray with them, and tell them over and over again as John the Baptist proclaimed in John 1:29 “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”

The Terror of that night

Can you imagine the terror that night? I remember watching the movie “The Ten Commandments” and this scene was horrifying.

In the middle of the night, you see the homes where the people live, you see the lamps lit and their doors closed against the night and against the judgment that is coming. As you watch a mist forms in the sky around the full moon and slowly drops into the streets of the towns and villages of Egypt. The mist moves through the streets and enters into the homes that are not covered by the blood. Inside the homes of the Hebrews you can hear the distant wails and cries of their Egyptian neighbors screaming in anguish as they discover their first born children are dead. The Hebrews listen from their own homes, and they hear the death angel passing over them.

It is a dramatic, horrifying scene, a Hollywood masterpiece, but in the end, it is just a movie. The real terror is seeing children today living in homes without the protection of the blood of Christ. The real heartbreak is to hear a child dying from the lies, the deceit and the abuse of this world and its gods. The real tragedy is that the death angel still takes lives and those lives pass into eternal judgment because we are not placing ourselves under the protection of the shed blood of Christ.
