The Truth About Freedom Part 3: Salvation and The Son - John 8:36

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I must realize that I was born a slave of sin, and I cannot free myself, but I can choose. I can choose to stay a slave or choose to be set free by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, who died to redeem me from the slavery of sin. - Pastor Kris Minefee

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

The Singularity of Salvation

In science a singularity is a point or region of infinite mass density at which space and time are infinitely distorted by gravitational forces and which is held to be the final state of matter falling into a black hole.  To me this statement of Jesus is the singularity of salvation.

It is the singular point that we all come to. That place when all of time and eternity, all of God’s plan of salvation, all of man’s hope for heaven comes down to a single statement, a single truth. And if reject that truth then just as in the scientific definition, all that is left is a terrible eternal black hole called Hell.

What Jesus now says here in vs. 36 is the hinge point of heaven. “If the Son shall make you free.” He emphatically, clearly declares Himself as the means of freedom and salvation from sin.

Jesus is telling them, telling us, that freedom was not just in the knowledge of a truth or some truths but was in knowing the One who is truth. Jesus is the truth that will set them free.

Later to His disciples in the Upper Room Jesus puts it even more emphatically, John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

The Single Point of Salvation

Have you been set free by believing the truth that is Jesus Christ?

The truth that sets us free is Jesus Himself. It is not the facts or history about Jesus. It is not  even the other truths that He taught, but it is Jesus Himself.  I must know Him as the truth of freedom.

Freedom in our life now, freedom in our eternity one day, means trusting Jesus and His word today. Jesus must be my emancipator.  He is the only One who can set me free.

There must be a time in my life when I have openly yielded myself to Jesus as Lord and savior. I must understand that I was born into the slavery of sin, and I cannot free myself and I can choose to stay a slave or I can choose to be set free by the shed blood of Jesus, who died to pay for my sin.

The Line In the Sand of Eternity

We are celebrating our birth as a nation today but as Texans there is another freedom we celebrate and that is Texas Independence that was won by the sacrifices of many heroes especially those who fought at the Alamo.

In that battle which saw about 100 Texians and Tejanos (what they were called then) hold off 1,500 enemy troops for 13 days cost all those who fought their lives. The story goes that the commander of the Alamo Colonial William Travis gathered the troops inside the Alamo and pulled out his saber and drew a line in the sand. He then told those men, “I now want every man who is determined to stay here and die with me to come across this line.” All but one man stepped across the line and Jim Bowie who was too sick to stand had the men carry him across on his bed.

John 8 is a line drawn in the sand of eternity. Jesus said, I am He, I am the Son and The son and only the Son will set you free. We must choose to cross that line, die to ourselves and find freedom and life in Christ or choose to remain in our sin and be a slave to that sin and death in this life and for eternity.
