Abolish mandatory face masks and abolish mandatory vaccines!

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Abolish Mandatory Face Masks, abolish mandatory vaccines

Abolish mandatory face masks and abolish mandatory vaccines!


Joe Biden’s (and his Establishment friends) plan is to force the Establishments mandatory face masks on everyone until we are so sick of the Establishments face mask we will gladly accept the Establishments experimental and dangerous “vaccine(s).” That is, accept Bill “depopulation” Gates’ very dangerous and deadly New World Order vaccine(s). Actually it is not a vaccine(s); it is an mRNA bioweapon intended to depopulate America and the world. The Establishment labeled it a vaccine so it would be approved and funded by the government. Here is a video by Dr. Sherry Tenpenny exposing the vaccines but there are many more videos on Rumble and other places exposing these terrible vaccines (Dr. Carrie Madej America’s Front Line Doctors, and many more): https://rumble.com/vhdav9-dr.-tenpenny-covid-shot-genetic-process-that-is-like-having-an-on-button-wi.html     


In this article I have also included a demonstration by Dr. Ted Noel to prove that a Face Mask cannot stop a tiny virus. Actually, Faces Masks have nothing to do with your health (or anyone else’s health) but they have everything to do with your submission to a Satanic New World Order. Face Masks are all about submission, NOT protection (because they cannot protect you). Plus Face Masks greatly restrict the amount of oxygen that you inhale. Let’s face it folks, if you are wearing a face mask you are inhaling your own carbon dioxide (CO2), not oxygen!


Dr Ted Noel - Masks don't work- 3 min-web


Videos Proving 100% Facemasks do NOT block any virus at all- air (vapor smoke) flies thru + all around Facemasks like nothing is there


MUST WATCH Dr uses vape clouds to illustrate how masks do not work





We have to do a better job of abolishing the Establishments mandatory face masks, and the Establishment’s coroinavirus and “vaccines” will go away.

Without the establishment’s face masks there is no coronavirus threat and there is no need for Bill “depopulation” Gates’ dangerous and deadly “vaccines.”

Plus the unconstitutional and anti-American and privately owned CDC must be abolished immediately! Those high COVID-19 case and death numbers coming from the CDC are rigged and manipulated and they are as phony as a $3 bill. If you noticed all cases and deaths are being labeled “COVID” whether it is a motorcycle accident, heart problem, etc. The Establishment has turned the entire medical industry upside down.

Plus the Establishment can NOT prove that there is a coronavirus emergency crisis in America (or anywhere in the world for that matter)!!!!  If there is no emergency then there is no need for them to force face masks and dangerous vaccines on everybody!

Abolish mandatory face masks immediately and stop the coronavirus vaccinations NOW!!!

Coronavirus is NOT the threat to America (or even the world) because God gave us Immune Systems that can fight off anything (including coronavirus). In the past far more people have died from the vaccines and not the virus.

America’s greatest enemy is our politicians (Democrats and Republicans) and America’s news media (national and local)!
