A Sovereign Savior - Psalms 20:9

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I love the blessing this Psalm asks of God. It would be appropriate at the hospital, or when visiting those who are struggling with pain and loss. Though we are not Israel, the blessing can be applied to our lives as we must depend upon our great and loving God and our King, Jesus. - Pasto

Save, LORD: let the king hear us when we call.

A Final Refrain

The Psalms ends as it begins with a call for Jehovah God to enable the King that he might save his people and act on their behalf.

The people prayed and the King responded to their prayer. “Now I know the Lord saves.”

Upon hearing this the people call out one final refrain, one final petition to God. “Save, Lord! Save us, Jehovah God. Let the king hear us when we call.”

I can imagine this Psalms being sung out by the people and by the King as they prepared for another battle for survival in the Promised Land. It would be a restatement of their need for God and their faith in God. It would be a recommitment to their King as the one who would fight for them in God’s strength. It would be a moving, powerful ceremony, and as it was repeated by other generation and by other kings throughout the history of Israel it would become a memorial of all that God has done for them as a nation.

A Final Remembrance

I intend to use Psalms 20 in the future more than I ever have in the past. I love the blessings it asks of God. It would be appropriate at the hospital, or when visiting those who are struggling with pain and loss. It can’t be applied to us as a nation nor for our leaders as it was for Israel and David, but those first 5 verses can be applied personally to our lives.

We should pray for others, we should ask God’s blessings to overcome their struggles. Our petition, won’t be responded to by King David, no much more than that it will be heard and acted upon by our King, Jesus.

Our remembrance of Him is seen each Sunday when we gather in His house, each time we baptize a new believer and each time we partake of the Lord’s supper. “This do in remembrance of me”

I want what David said back then, to be true in my life today, “Psalms 20:7-8 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.
