You Don't Know Me, but you Will

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You don’t get to teach my son or his fellow students to treat someone differently because they are white or brown or black or any other color! You don’t get to teach my child to hate his white parents or hate anyone else for any reason. You don’t get to indoctrinate my child with the

Parent speaks at School Board Meeting Against CRT and Mask Mandates
Hello, my name is Di Rathbun and this is my first time at a school board meeting.
You don’t know me.
You don’t know that I grew up in Benton Harbor where my high school was 90% black students.
That I have been an RN for over 35 years and have worked in several different areas of medicine, including Pediatric Home Care for over 15 years.
That I worked in some of the poorest areas around Chicago, with multiple ethnicities, and can do Labor and Delivery in passable Spanish.
That I drove a truck full of supplies from Texas to a sister church in El Salvador and have met so many wonderful people in my travels throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Central America.
That I didn’t get married until I was 40 years old and became a mom through adoption when I was 44.
That I have an amazing bi-racial 13 year old son, two nieces adopted from China, and one niece adopted from Guatemala.
You don’t know me.
You don’t know anything about me when you look at me and see a slightly past middle-aged white woman. But you don’t get to judge me and tell me I am racist because of the color of my skin.
You don’t get to teach my son or his fellow students to treat someone differently because they are white or brown or black or any other color!
You don’t get to teach my child to hate his white parents or hate anyone else for any reason.
You don’t get to indoctrinate my child with the belief that God created anything other than male and female.
You don’t get to push the lie that the police are bad or racist or out to harm minorities.
You don’t get to promote any of the lies of the Marxist Critical Race Theory or the Diversion Equity Inclusion narratives.
You will not teach my child that the United States is a terrible country.
You don’t know me.
You don’t know that in our house we teach love and forgiveness and responsibility and respect and hard work.
That we teach that the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.
That God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but one of power, love, and self-control.
You don’t know me.
You don’t know that I have been an RN working throughout this plandemic with at home pediatric patients.
That my husband and I probably had this virus at the beginning of 2020 and wrote it off to having a cold.
That when masks were first being required to be worn everywhere, I started doing the research because I knew from years of working as a nurse, that masks do not protect from viruses.
That if 99% of people wearing masks were wearing them incorrectly, they would do more harm by promoting bacterial infections that cause pneumonia, meningitis, TB, blood infections, Strep throat, food poisoning, and more.
That having to keep moist covers over his face during school hours actually did lead to a bacterial skin infection for my son, requiring antibiotics.
You don’t know me.
You don’t know that I have seen our young athletes, including my son, struggling to breathe while wearing an air obstructing face covering during participation in a sport or just gym class.
You don’t know that I am an abuse survivor and that wearing masks gives me headaches and makes me feel like I am being muzzled.
I will never be silent again.
You don’t know that I have NEVER worn one outside of being forced to at work or briefly at a doctor’s office.
That I am disgusted at the manipulation of and by the medical community saying that this is in any way beneficial.
You don’t know that I am outraged at the blatant censorship of scientific data that goes against the so-called “experts.”
I have done my research.
I am not fooled by the lies promulgated by those seeking to instill fear and control and take away my God-given rights as well as my constitutional rights.
You don’t know me.
You don’t know that I am not against proven vaccines for our children.
That, again, I have done the research.
That when this experimental mRNA shot (not vaccine) was first being promoted, I told my employer that I would NEVER get it and if they made it a requirement, I would be looking for another job.
That I have read the research on potential adverse side effects, possible organ damage, and potential life-long complications of taking this injection.
That I have seen the statistics on mortality from the virus and don’t deny its potential lethality for some.
That I also know the survival statistic – especially for our kids!
That I am confident that there are safe and effective alternative treatments for this virus.
That I have seen the outrageous manipulation of the numbers to perpetuate the fear narrative and continue the unmitigated control of us all.
You don’t know me.
You don’t know that I’ve done the research on the PCR testing that was never intended to be used for detecting disease and has an up to 80% false positive test result and that it has been used to manipulate fear and lockdowns.
That the swabs used and the surgical masks worn are sterilized with Ethylene Oxide, a known carcinogen, which can cause headaches, nausea, breathing difficulty, eye and skin burns, and more.
That my son would like to play sports this year but will never get tested or wear a mask to do so.
You don’t know me.
You don’t know that we are done with the state and the schools thinking they have one iota of control over our health.
That the physical and mental health of our children will not be managed by anyone other than the parents.
That my goal is not to remove my child from the school system, but is to restore the school system to doing its job – teaching my child math and science and English and orchestra, etc.
That we are here to work with you, not against you.
That we will be heard and respected and no longer manipulated.
That we are not going to live in fear, but we are going to live.
We have seen the science and the data.
We ARE the science and the data.
You don’t know me.
But if you continue with this nonsense, ... you will.