Redeeming the Time - Overview

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The World is trying the experiment of attempting to form a civilized but non-Christian mentality. The experiment will fail; but we must be very patient in awaiting its collapse; meanwhile redeeming the time: so that the Faith may be preserved alive through the dark ages before us; to renew and rebuild civilization, and save the World from suicide. T. S. Eliot - Thoughts on Lambeth

                              Consolation in an Age of Change

Ours is a moral problem. The disorder we now experience daily, despite its varied manifestations as political corruption, judicial malfeasance, medical malpractice, and the other ills which weigh so heavily upon us, have a single root. In their variety, corporate manipulation, human trafficking, and media propaganda appear as a legion arrayed against us, in numbers that bewilder us and cast our spirits down, yet their numbers are deceptive, for their origin is one – the human heart. Here are the battles won and lost that direct the future of men and of nations. Ours is a battle between good and evil – a choice between virtue and vice.

Though we may not care to think of it, the human heart is the field upon which the battle of greatest consequence takes place, where the conflict between God and His angels and Lucifer and his demons – between good and evil - is real. No one may excuse himself; he must choose.

Modernism – the idea that Man has no superior – is now in full flower, and is made manifest by a class of intelligent, wealthy, and powerful, but godless men, who regard themselves as lords of the world and masters of the human population. These masters, the technocrats, exploiting advances in technology, use their increasing wealth and power in the form of cartels, multi-national corporations, and non-government organizations, to reduce the world population to a state of serfdom.

Key means to this state of servitude include fearmongering to weaken the minds of its opponents, effecting their submission in their own servitude, reducing the world population to a level deemed proportionate to the world’s natural resources, the introduction of personal digital identification to enable location tracking, the prohibition of firearms, and the establishment of a central bank digital currency which will be used to control purchases and reduce liberty.

In the face of these evils, we may be tempted to discouragement, to isolate ourselves and withdraw from civic life. This we must not do. Our task is not to avoid the confrontation with evil, but to turn to it in the company of others and redeem the time. In this we will find consolation in a time of change. Will you join me in redeeming the time?



