Good Wednesday Morning, Friends Connected! Well I have reached the last gasp! Tomorrow our in-service meetings begin. Pray for me! I will be working at a feverish pace today to tuck in as many corners as I can. Soccer practice has already begun so the pace has already picked up this week. All is good though. I am looking forward to the new school year. All I have to do is to finish up the following 1) Last minute school supply shopping for the four scholars under our roof. 2) Fell and buck the dead wood in the side yard (the boys can do the splitting and stacking - it's why Lucy and I had them HA!) 3) Finish de-cluttering the porch to make way for my brilliant new way of handling the recycling. I still don't know if there is an actual net gain on recycling; seems like a lot of cost to get the benefits, but I am willing to play along; if we are going to do it, we are going to do it right! 4) Finish purging my home office/library/piano/catch-all room of the remnants of last years academic records. By listing these things I will feel accountable to get them done; y'all can call me out if I don't get them done. "The time is gone the song is over, thought I'd something more to say." As David and Roger might say, I will see you on the dark side of the moon!
Welcome to USAlife. Concerned citizen, teacher, husband of one and father of seven, duty bound to bequeath freedom received to the next generation. Active in the preservation of the Republic, I am interested in meeting anyone willing to be active in its preservation. Strength lies in numbers. I enjoy reading, writing, and good conversation. Please introduce yourself and tell me three things about yourself that I should know. Publius