How to easily teach your child to write school essays

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In the process of studying at school, students should master the skills of writing essays of several types.

In the process of studying at school, students should master the skills of writing essays of several types.

- According to the source of the material for the work, essays are based on their own experience, an excursion, a book read or impressions of a painting.
- According to the degree of independence, written opuses can be individual and group. As for the latter, this form is most often used in the lower grades, when it is still difficult for children to independently organize their thoughts and impressions. Gradually, the student learns to write individual work.
- By genre, descriptions, narratives and reasoning are distinguished. In elementary grades, a genre of storytelling with elements of description is used. This is due to the fact that the narrative talks about some kind of action, and it is quite easy for children to cope with the storylines. The description requires more complex skills, in particular, observation. After all, the student is required to indicate the signs of a particular phenomenon, a hero, and this requires attentiveness. As for reasoning, this genre requires the logical weaving of personal judgments into the work, so such essays are written already in high school. And yet, if you do not adhere to these points now, then in the future you will definitely have to buy assignment.
- In terms of style, creative works can be everyday, everyday, business, documentary, scientific and journalistic. The style of the essay is chosen according to the genre and subject matter.

Why do you need a plan

Many children ask the question in bewilderment: why do we need a plan in an essay, if it is already clear what needs to be written. The task of the teacher and parents is to explain to the student that an essay will not work without a plan. Rather, you get a text with a chaotic presentation of thoughts. Competently done creative work should be structured so that it is easy for the reader to understand what he has read, on the one hand, and the topic is fully disclosed, on the other. Therefore, it is easier to write an essay if you have a plan. It usually consists of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. In the introduction, one should justify the choice of the topic, in the second part - to outline the essence of the work, and in the conclusion - to summarize all of the above. For each genre, these points are supplemented in accordance with the teacher's recommendations. You can find good examples on the company's website writemypaperbro. Having learned to work with the plan, the child will be able to quickly cope with the task of writing an essay.

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How to teach to write in different genres about literature, paintings and more

Each genre of essays has its own nuances of writing. Consider the methodology for working on the most common types of creative opus.
According to the picture (genre "description")

So, to create an essay on a painting you need:

1. It is good to consider the picture itself, noting the plot and color palette for yourself.
2. Prepare factual material (that is, indicate who the author is, when the painting was painted, the main idea of ​​the painting, etc.)
3. Write a plan of work on the essay.
4. Design the introduction and the main part (in the main section, be sure to indicate what is in the foreground and what is in the background of the painting, as well as what palette the artist used).
5. In conclusion, it is necessary to try to imagine the mood of the artist, which he conveyed by the depicted plot or color (if we are talking about a landscape).

Based on works of literature

If an essay is assigned to a literary work, then in this case the work is structured as follows.

1. We carefully read the work, highlighting the main and secondary characters.
2. For each character we select a verbal characteristic that fully reflects his behavioral line.
3. We highlight in the text the most significant quotes for the topic of the composition.
4. We get acquainted with the critical articles on the work (if any) in order to understand the complex nuances of the images of the work.
5. Writing a plan for our opus.
6. Sketching the text.
7. We check, add, not forgetting about the quotes.
8. Writing a conclusion.

On other topics

Often, a student is given the task of writing a text in a free style. For children of elementary grades, most often works are given in the genre of storytelling. Usually, this type of presentation does not cause problems for schoolchildren, so we will not set out the rules for writing.

With the passage of time, mostly in high school, one more genre of writing begins to prevail - reasoning. This is one of the most difficult genres to write and therefore many students ask for specialists write my paper. There is one general principle here that will help to explain most of the topics with ease. Working on the text, you must:

1. Think about the topic.
2. Put forward hypotheses.
3. It is desirable to find confirmation of the theses in art and literature.
4. Make a plan.
5. Write down thoughts according to the plan.
6. Clearly formulate conclusions on the topic.

Writing an essay is not only an important stage in the educational process. It is also an opportunity for personal growth. Indeed, in the process of work, the child must defend his ideas, prove his innocence, and for this he needs to have a sufficient amount of information on a particular topic. To teach a student to write an essay, he should be taught to think. And this requires from parents constant attention to their child, interest in his life and great patience.

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