Epistle of Jesus #15: Hallelujah In Heaven, Hell on Earth Part 3 Hell Fills - Revelation 19:17-21

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And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men,


The Justice of Heaven

In one decisive moment, the greatest armies of earth are slain and all that remains is for the scavengers of the air to come and feast on their flesh.

In one decisive moment the greatest military leader of the earth, the man who had all the power of Satan the great Dragon, all the power of the armies of the world at his command, is seized and along with the false prophet thrown alive into the lake of fire. The Bible tells us that two men were taken to heaven without dying Enoch and Elijah and now here it seems the scales are balanced for two are thrown alive into the Lake of fire.

The battle is over and all that is left is the slaughter and the scavenging. What a terrible waste, what Hell on earth, but what a victory and what a rejoicing in Heaven.


You know where I want to be on the Day of the Lord? I’ve only ridden a horse about three times in my life, but when the Day of the Lord comes, just after the wedding feast. I want to hear Michael, or Joshua or Peter call out, “Mount Up and Ride!” or maybe it will be more Old Testament sounding like “Ye Armies of the Heaven, Arise and ride forth to battle for our Lord and King.” I like that better.

I want to be on the winning side of heaven. I want to be on that white horse, dressed in white linen watching as my Lord rescues His city, his nation, and his people. Don’t you want to ride to the rescue of Jerusalem with Jesus?

You know where you don’t want to be? On the losing side of this battle. For if all the power of all the assembled armies or all the earth can’t stand before a single spoken word of the King of King and Lord of Lords, what can you do against Him. Why would you resist Him, why would you rebel against the one who loved and died for you? Why would you ignore the One who has given so much to reach out to you? How can you stand when your rejection brings Him in his wrath and judgment against you?

Make sure this morning, make sure, absolutely sure, you have made a conscious choice to be on the Lord’s side, the winning side of eternity.
