Fear Forsaken

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Habakkuk's joy, the apostle joy and if I am willing, my joy is a gift given us from the Lord. That joy was not dependent on anything in this world but only upon the eternal and unfailing God of eternity. - Pastor Kris Minefee

Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. - Habakkuk 3:18

Habakkuk, despite all the present evil and the terrible punishment that would result from such wickedness,  declares, “Yet, I will rejoice. I will joy in the God of my salvation.”

Now this is not foolhardiness, nor is it a joy based upon wishfulness or some kind of a foolish denial of the harsh reality of life. Habakkuk’s statement, "I will rejoice in the LORD (Jehovah) I will joy in God” shows why this was a true as the harshness and pain he saw coming. It was real, it was true because his joy was based on something more lasting than the oldest fruit orchard in Israel, more protected than any cattle in the stall.  His joy was based upon God who never fails and who never quits. His foundation for rejoicing is on the everlasting, loving and faithful God of Israel and in Him there was a joy deeper than the depths of life’s sin and its sorrows.

Where Is Our Joy?

What is my joy built upon? What do I rejoice in? Is it the circumstances of life?  Is it the absence of difficulties, sorrows or trials?  Is it the lack of trouble?  Is it the amount of money I have in the bank, my job, or my good health?  Are these the things that my joy is built upon? For many of us that is our hope, that is the sum total of my joy, that life will just be okay and I can kind of coast through it with no real difficulties. Yet we all know that is not life, that is not reality. Troubles always come, health fails, money can’t buy real happiness it often result in just the opposite. That is the truth and we must find a way of dealing with that reality.

Joy In Jesus - Jesus talked about this in the book of John chapters 14 -16. As the Lord was preparing his disciples for the most difficult times they would ever endure he uses the word joy 7 times. Isn’t that incredible? They were going to see their teacher and friend arrested, mocked, beaten and crucified and Jesus warns them of this but he tells them about joy.

John 15:11  These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.

John 16:20  Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.

And not only did he speak of joy for his disciples but also for us today. Look at …

John 17:13  And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they (that’s you and I) might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.

Habakkuk's joy, the apostle joy and if I am willing, my joy is a gift given us from the Lord.  That joy was not dependent on anything in this world but only upon the eternal and unfailing God of eternity.

Illustration: When Jesus had calmed the storm he then asks the disciples, "Where was your faith?"

He did not ask them why didn’t they have faith, he asks them where their faith was. Where could their faith be found? You know what their answer should have been? “Lord, our faith is in You.”

In the midst our depressions, our quitting, our cynicism,  our fear and disappointments I think the Lord is asking us, “Where is your faith? Where is your joy? It not in things out there in things or possessions, they will fail. But your joy should be here in me.”
