For My Name’s Sake

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Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. - Ezekiel 36:22-24

God Acts Because He Is God

God tells Ezekiel in vs. 22, Therefore. Because of Israel’s sin and failure, therefore He must act, not because they deserved it but “for His name’s sake.”

Israel’s failure, their sin reflected on God. The pagan nations saw Israel’s God as nothing, less that one of their pagan god. So God would act to glorify Himself through them, and in spite of them. Though they had failed Him, He would not fail.

The Power of God

When man sinned in the Garden, it may have seemed that Satan had succeed in corrupting and distorting all of creation and especially the one creature made in the image of God. God was not taken by surprise, He knew that giving man freewill could and would result in man’s sin and so God would act to redeem and reclaim His creation. He would act because He was God and God does not fail.

Ecclesiastes 3:14 I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

Where God’s name is involved, where God's word is involved, God will act and He will not fail.

"Daddy, Why Do You Work?" my little son asked me.

One early morning about 4am when it was cold and dark, I was stepping out the kitchen door to go work the sunrise shift at UPS. I told LeeOra goodbye and I was just getting ready to step out into the black chill of another winter workday in North Texas, when down the hall I heard socked feet running on the wooden floor. My little 3-yr. old son, Jason, fresh from a warm bed, with sleep still in his eyes and spikes in his hair ran into my lowered arms.  As I picked him up and hugged him through my thick coat and work clothes, Jason asked me, "Daddy why do have to go to work?"

I looked down at his little face, to answer, but he was already falling back to sleep pillowed on my coat’s thick pile collar. But I thought about that question, “Why do I work?”

"I work, " I thought, "because this house is my home, because LeeOra is my wife and because you are my son. I work because I am  the Dad and Dad’s work.”

On a much larger scale, that is why God acts because we are his creation, we are his people and always because God is God and God does not fail us, even if we fail Him.
