Is America Worth Saving?

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Is it worth the fight? Are you going to be a part of the solution?

In the midst of a country and a culture that is decaying I find myself asking a vital question; "Is America worth saving?" Like a person who is riddled with terminal cancer it is just easy to look at the state of things in our country and say, "We have reached the tipping point and it is too late." I used to believe that. I do not believe that any more. I believe that some things are worth saving. People are worth saving. Some businesses and institutions are worth saving. Some ideals and ways of living are worth saving.

America is worth saving, not because it is a righteous nation, but because it has righteous people in it. When the God of Heaven looks down and sees our country He is very aware that our leaders are corrupt, and He knows all about the backroom deals and the greed of our leaders and our people. He knows that our enemies are now inside of our country and even occupy positions in it. We have sowed the wind, and NOW we are reaping the whirlwind. Charles Stanley says, "You always reap what you sow, more than you sow, longer than you sow." This is the case with a country that has lost its way. We planted a crop of immorality and rebellion against the things of God over 40 years ago, and now the children of that generation are our leaders today.

My heart breaks and is grieved over our country, and what we have become... I say "WE" because we all have a part in what has happened in our midst. It is the duty of every believer to take responsibility for their own part in how we have become desensitized to the influence of evil and decay in our own lives. This is the heart of revival. God does not send His Spirit to the world at large... They do not even know Him, but we do! If you call yourself by the name of Christ then You are who He is speaking to today.

Today we need to turn away from our own forms of idolatry and return fully to the King of the Angel Armies and He will hear our prayers and heal our land. He is not looking to the lost to lead... He is looking to the one's who have His Spirit living inside of them to turn their face to Him...Yes, America is worth saving... Yes, it is not too late. God is in the mercy and grace business! He wants us to ask Him to have mercy and pour out his grace upon all of mankind. Mercy triumphs over judgment, grace is greater than our sins.

IF America is to be saved it will be because God's people have asked for Him to save it. "Father God of our Lord Jesus Christ, we come to you today and ask that You would pour out your mercy and grace upon America. We ask that You would forgive us of OUR sins, and give us the grace to fully repent and to pick up the mantle of holiness once again for Christ's sake, and for Your Glory. Come and move upon us to do Your will and restore us to the place of being a city that is set on a hill-- A country that is righteous.

Heavenly Father, just as you allowed Abraham to bargain with You over the fate of Sodom, we ask that You will spare our country for the sake of many righteous. Speak to us and show us each what to do so that we may represent You well in the midst of this decay. Make us both salt and light to those who do not yet know You." AMEN. Yes, things that have worth, are worth saving. God is hearing our prayers, and we can expect to see His hand working in the midst of today's events. He is Faithful.

Mark Chai Watkins 6 yrs

A Hearty Amin Achi Brian, as long as we have life, there is Tikva or Hope!!! Thank you for the article!!!

USA.Life 6 yrs

As 2 Chronicles 15 and 34 teach, as we reaffirm covenant that the USA serves the Lord this will restore God's favor and He will heal our land. God is faithful.

USA.Life 6 yrs

It is encouraging to see you stand up for America. If we ask God for mercy for or nation's sins, He will give us mercy. The Lord is merciful.