INFRINGE: act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on. How many laws do we now have in states and at the federal level that do exactly that to our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms? Too many to count. And each time the government passes another they are chipping away at an inalienable right that in the simple words of our constitution "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". And the way they are getting away with it is by presenting a narrative that is outrageous, like gun confiscation so that you will not resist something like "Red Flag" laws which seems so much less infringing than taking away your guns. But in reality, no matter how long it takes, even if you are taking baby steps will reach your destination. And so it is with the people who wish to disarm the public. If you want to stop their inevitable end game, you must stop the means by which they are moving towards that end. And "Red Flag" laws are even worse because they now infringe on another of our rights. Instead of due process where you are innocent until proven guilty, a red flag law allows our government to act upon hearsay to take a person's guns and that person must then prove that he is not guilty. Every time another law like this is passed, our Constitution becomes weaker and weaker until it begins to crumble. It is at that point that we have lost our country and our Republic as the words of Ben Franklin echos in our ears "IF YOU CAN KEEP IT".