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Is Satan a real person?
"(Revelation 12:9) "And the great dragon was cast down, which is called the devil and Satan, who deceiveth all the inhabited earth.
Some believe that Satan, the devil, is not a person, but something abstract - the evil in man.
Satan is a real existing person. He is an evil angel, a spirit being that has rebelled against God. The Bible calls him the "ruler of this world" (John 12:31). He works with "lying signs" and "deceit" to achieve his goals (2 Thessalonians 2:9, 1.
The Bible records a conversation that God in heaven had with Satan. If Satan were only a symbol of evil in a person, God, who is morally pure and perfect through and through, would have been talking to something evil in himself. (Deuteronomy 32:4; Job 2:1-6) This cannot be. Consequently, the devil is a real person and not just the personified evil.
Satan wants us to think that he is a figment of our imagination, so that he can do his mischief undisturbed, like a criminal acting in secret. To protect oneself from him, one must first accept that he exists.

Where does Satan "dwell"?
"Woe to the earth . . . because the devil has come down to you" (Revelation 12:12)
Many believe that the devil lives deep in the earth in a hell of fire. Others are of the opinion that he lives in evil people.
Since Satan is a spirit being, he lives in an invisible realm. He could move freely for a certain time where God and the faithful angels are (Job 1:6). However, he has since been banished from the presence of God along with other evil spirits, and his sphere of activity is limited to the earth's surroundings (Revelation 12:12).
Is Satan limited to a specific place on earth? For example, the Bible says of the ancient city of Pergamum that "Satan dwells there" (Revelation 2:13). This expression was actually an allusion to the fact that satanic cults were strongly represented there. The devil does not "dwell" in a particular literal place. According to the Bible, "all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth" are in his hands (Luke 4:5, 6).
Can the devil harm people or dominate them?
"(1 John 5:19) "The whole world is in the power of him who is evil.
Most people have been misled by Satan and thus have come under his control (2 Corinthians 11:14). This is one reason why people have not succeeded in improving the conditions in the world.
(Matthew 12:22; 17:15-18; Mark 5:2-5) The Bible speaks of even more extreme cases where Satan or other apostate angels have taken possession of people and inflicted physical harm on them.
Satan is powerful, but you need not fear him. In order not to fall into his clutches, one must know "his attacks," that is, know how he manipulates people (2 Corinthians 2:11). By reading the Bible, you can get important information about his tactics and thus avoid falling victim to him.
(Acts 19:19) It is important to separate yourself from everything that has to do with demons. This includes, for example, amulets, literature, videos, music and computer programs that promote spiritism or fortune telling.
The Bible gives the wise advice: "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7) This is a good protection against the evil machinations of the devil (Ephesians 6:11-18)

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The New World Translation uses the expression "memory tomb" or "memory vault" in the scriptural texts mentioned above (Matthew 8:28, 23:29, 27: 52,53,60, 28:8, John 5:28 etc)
>>>> because here in the original text of the Christian writings, which were written nineteen hundred years ago in the common Greek language, the Greek word >>mnemeiʹon<<< is written.
This Greek word mnemeiʹon comes from the word of the time, which means "to remember" or "to be remembered".<<<
Other Bible translations may render this Greek word with the simple word "crypt", but the word "crypt" does not give the full meaning of the original Greek word. Why not? Because the Greek word for "crypt" is derived from the word of the time, which means "to hew out" or "dig". The Greek word mnemeiʹon, on the other hand, implies the idea of remembering or remembering someone.
When people put a deceased loved one into a crypt, they do so because they want to remember him and also because they like to believe that one day he will live again and they will have the joy of seeing him again in another life. What is important for us, however, is that not just any human being, but God Almighty, remembers us, that is, keeps us in his memory, because he considers us worthy to be brought back to life anew through the resurrection from the dead.
When the Lord Jesus said, "The hour is coming in which all who are in the memorial tombs will hear His voice and come forth, those who did good, to a resurrection of life, those who did evil, to a resurrection of judgment," he was obviously referring to God's memory, that is, to the fact that God keeps the dead in mind. Being kept in his memory is important because he alone has the power to raise the dead, and he will do so during the thousand-year reign that Jesus Christ will exercise over humanity. Since Jesus used the Greek word mnemeiʹon here, which includes the idea of remembrance, we may hope that God will remember the dead in the memorial tombs by raising them.
The bodies of those who were thrown by the Jews into the valley of Hinnom outside Jerusalem or into Gehenna (as the Greeks called it) were destroyed there, so they were not buried in a memorial tomb (mnemeiʹon). They did this because they were not considered worthy of being remembered by God's people, nor were they considered worthy of being raised from the dead at God's appointed time. For this reason Gehenna - the valley outside the walls of Jerusalem, where the garbage and refuse of the city was destroyed by a fire sustained by sulfur - became a symbol of the second death or eternal destruction brought about by God.
This is why the Lord Jesus Christ called Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him to his enemies, the "Son of Perdition" or "of Destruction," meaning that Judas Iscariot deserved eternal destruction and that no resurrection will be granted to him. Judas betrayed Jesus to the scribes and Pharisees, and to these religious leaders Jesus had said: "Serpents, brood of vipers, how shall you escape the judgment of Gehenna? (John 17:12; 6:70, 71; Matthew 23:33; 10:28, NW) Therefore, when such ungodly, evil people died as those religious leaders did, both body and soul were destroyed, for they will not experience resurrection and will never again live as souls anywhere in God's universe.
For this reason, when Jesus spoke of the resurrection of the dead, He described the place where they sleep in death as a memorial tomb, indicating that Jehovah God will, in His appointed time, remember those who are there and raise them to life so that they may enjoy all that life has to offer in God's new world.

Has the Bible been manipulated or changed?

No. The Bible text has remained essentially unchanged, as a comparison of modern Bible translations with old Bible manuscripts shows. This is despite the fact that the Bible has been copied over many centuries, often using materials that are not particularly durable.
So have mistakes never been made when copying?

One has found thousands of old Bible manuscripts. Some differ from each other in some points. So mistakes were made when copying. However, most of these deviations are minor and do not change the meaning of the text. However, there are also a few significant deviations - obviously changes that were intentionally made a long time ago to change the meaning of the Bible text. Here are two examples:

In some older Bible translations, 1 John 5:7 says: "In heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. However, reliable old Bible manuscripts show that these words were not present in the original Bible text, but were inserted later. * That is why this insertion is not included in reliable new translations.

The proper name of God appears many thousand times in old Bible manuscripts. In many Bible translations, however, this proper name was replaced by the titles "Lord" or "God".

Why can you be sure that many more errors will not be discovered?

Because so many Bible manuscripts have been found up to now, it is easier than ever before to identify errors. * What does the comparison of a modern Bible translation with old Bible manuscripts show in terms of accuracy?

The Old Testament scholar William H. Green wrote about the text of the Hebrew Scriptures, also known as the Old Testament: "It can be said with certainty that no other work of antiquity has been handed down so accurately."

With regard to the Christian Greek Scriptures, also known as the New Testament, Bible scholar F. F. Bruce says: "We have many more documents for the New Testament writings than for most of the writings of classical authors, whose authenticity no one would think of doubting.

Sir Frederic Kenyon, a recognized authority on Bible manuscripts, stated that someone "can take the whole Bible at hand and say without fear or hesitation that he has here the true Word of God, handed down to him from one generation to another through the centuries without significant loss.

What other reasons speak for an accurate transmission of the Bible?

(Gen 20:12; Samuel 11:2-4; Galatians 2:11-14). * (Genesis 20:12; Samuel 11:2-4; Galatians 2:11-14) Likewise, they preserved passages in which the Israelites were condemned for their infidelity and passages in which false teachings devised by men are exposed (Hosea 4:2; Malachi 2:8, 9; Matthew 23:8, 9; 1 John 5:21). The fact that these reports have been accurately preserved confirms the trustworthiness of the Bible copyists and testifies to their respect for God's Word.

Isn't it logical that God, as the author of the Bible, would also ensure an accurate record? (Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:24, 25). * (Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:24, 25) After all, it is his desire that it should benefit all people-no matter when they live. (1 Corinthians 10:11) (1 Corinthians 10:11) The Bible states: "All things that were written in the past were written for our instruction, that we might have hope by our perseverance and by the comfort of the scriptures.

Jesus and his disciples quoted from copies of the Hebrew Scriptures without questioning the accuracy of these texts (Luke 4:16-21; Acts 17:1-3).

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