The Dagny Dagger Revisited: Obsolete Already?
The first Atlas Arms concept in development, the Dagny Dagger project will produce a new type of legally-unrestricted handgun ammunition which in 9mm Luger is able to penetrate all soft armor and some rifle-rated hard armor. This will allow citizens the first legal access to armor-penetrating ammunition since 1986.
FYI: I suggested to a friend in Idaho several years ago to take a #13 , #15 , or #16 tire stud and press them into a hollow point .45 ACP round and use it for an AP round. It worked! It penetrated 1/2 inch steel plate. The inner rod is about 1/8 inch in diameter, but it is made out of the hardest steel money can buy, tungsten carbide. It is encased in a lightweight aluminum sheath.
To modify ANY ammunition round, you cannot significantly alter its weight, or it will not perform and may cause your barrel to explode at high velocity. Enter a 1/8" diameter steel rod the length of the material you plan to penetrate, and you have eliminated the need for costly research and development.
Fairly cheap to buy in quantity from a tire tools wholesaler.
Donate or learn more at Atlas Arms if you wish, but personally I think you can forego the wait by using my hypothesis for almost ANY caliber of bullet with the exception of rimfire ammo.
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