My uncle, who grew up in the depression once told me a story.
It seems there was a rather poor gentleman that lived a ways back in a farm not far from my uncles.
This gentleman was fairly detached from the outside world and therefore was not up on things.
He rarely came into town, it was often six months or more between visits.
One day he came in to town to purchase some feed for his cattle and dry goods for the home. He decided he was going to be extravagant and get his hair cut at the barber shop.
While waiting to have his hair cut, the other customers were chatting very animatedly about the impact of the depression, how people were losing their farms, men jumping off buildings, etc.
He asked when this had started and another gentleman said about 6 months ago.
When he got home he asked his wife...
Did you know there's something called a depression going on???
Of course the moral of the story is that if you don't worry about things, if you don't listen and react to the BS, if you're happy with life and whatever it brings, then the bumps in the road will be much smaller.