Okay... Great!!! Finally your undereducated, unelected, so-called government workers have a SOLUTION for you !!!
you will remember they found out about a tiny microscopic bug, they call it a virus, might be in the air...
.... these overpaid government so-called workers know you are very stupid so they DEMAND you wear a silly mask everywhere you go...
... supposedly to protect you (eventhough a microscopic "virus" would pass right through such a mask".... no matter, THEY say you MUST wear it...
NOW... these same overpaid, unelected, undereducated government so-called workers have found out about STD's (Sexually Transmitted Disease) that are caused by germs...
... So, the government has mandated (passed yet another illegal law/rule) that Americans MUST stop having sex !!!
... enjoy your government rules !!!