Biden is waging #waronwomen! Learn more and sign your petition now:

Biden is waging #waronwomen! Learn more and sign your petition now:
SUSPENDED from college until he completes a “remediation plan.” The remediation plan includes taking down his Instagram videos, toning down his social media presence, and attending school-sanctioned training. ALL FOR STATING:
‘A Man Is A Man, A Woman Is A Woman’
See story here:
Public Advocate is honored to have you in congress fighting to Make the Family Great Again! You are a true blessing to the pro-family movement!
The Gay Bill of Special Rights, otherwise known as the "Equality Act", tramples the Constitutional Rights of Americans who oppose the radical Homosexual Agenda, while granting "protected class" status to transgenders and homosexuals
Sign your petition and tell your Senators and Representative to oppose this outrageous bill: