Champions Never Quit! The greatest thing you can do in your life is to get back up when you get knocked down. And the only types of people who can perform this greatest accomplishment are Champions! <br> <br>And speaking about \Never Quitting\, right now in the world we are in the final stages of the war between Liberty (God) and Slavery/Tyranny (Satan). <br> <br>Which side do you choose? <br> <br>Do you choose Freedom or Slavery? <br> <br>The word of God (Truth and Light) destroys satanic craft. <br> <br>You personally have a testimony of things you know are true. You have a voice. You have a heart. <br> <br>So open up your mouth and heart and let others know how you feel. Share your testimony! <br> <br>One small voice can go a long ways and God works great miracles that confound the world and the wicked through small and simple means. <br> <br>So God can and will use your voice, your testimony, your heart to work miracles, to win this war for Liberty! <br> <br>And we will win in the end in a complete blowout. It\s not even going to be close when this whole thing is over. <br> <br>Everyone who chooses to go along with socialism / communism (Slavery / Tyranny) will be lose big time in the end. <br> <br>And every person who stands up for freedom will be eternally vindicated and eternally rewarded. <br> <br>So choose to be a Champion and open your mouth and your heart by sharing your testimony about the Gospel of Liberty! <br> <br>Life, Liberty, Property, Privacy for ALL! <br> <br>Freedom of Thought! <br>Freedom of Speech! <br>Freedom of Religion! <br>Freedom of Conscience! ...for ALL! <br>Liberty! <br> <br>Spread the message! <br> <br>Check out my websites below to learn more about me: