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Thomas Jefferson
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We Appeal to Heaven to be free dear lord...

Pray for our nation and our President so that this evil that is trying to take over this land is stopped in its tracks.

Dear lord Our fathers, grandfathers and ancestors gave life, limb, blood, sweat and fortune to the Republic so that we could be free. We cannot allow the enemy to take the keys to the kingdom without a fight. We ask you dear lord for your protection and we pray to you to help us retain our freedoms which were given to us at birth. Please bless this land and restore your calming presence to us in peace. In your holy name we pray dear lord. AMEN.



 Joe Biden said he would be a uniter, yet everything he has done since he stole the presidency has caused further division and harm to America and her inhabitants. Make no mistake about it folks Biden is a tyrant and he wants to destroy our right to bear arms like previous tyrants have done so many time throughout history.  

In the FPC link below is some very important information on proposed gun control by king Biden via Executive order. There's also some terrible gun control bills that the left is trying to jam into law through Congress and then the left wants an anti gunner to head the atf.  In the attached link FPC describes what is happening then below each summary there is a link.  Click on the underlined word link.   It opens up a form to fill out.  Put your name, address and email on it and submit it.  Our elected officials need to hear from us in mass to stop this unconstitutional gun grab from the left.  Please share. Thanks. - Frank - FPC Grassroots Army: Take Action! - FPC Grassroots Army: Take Action!

URGENT: Use FPC's free Take Action Grassroots Tools to weigh in on important legislation and regulations!


We celebrate freedom and Thomas Jefferson