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Back To The Basics Homesteading
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Back To The Basics is a page for homesteading, backyard farming, and raising your own farm animals.
Please keep to those topics on this page, and share helpful information on those topics with others who share those common interests.
This page was created so that people from other places can all come together and share their knowledge, advise and photos of homesteading, backyard farming, and raising their own farm animals.
Welcome, and lets build this page up so we can all enjoy this lifestyle at our homes with fresh foods for our families and a healthier living style.


Hope all of the Mother's out there have a GREAT Mother's day tomorrow.


Great Depression History, it lasted 10 years folks... can your household make it, if that happens today in our current world? Something to think about.

"The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world, lasting from the stock market crash of 1929 to 1939."

Great Depression: Years, Facts & Effects | HISTORY

Great Depression: Years, Facts & Effects | HISTORY

The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world, lasting from 1929 to 1939. At its peak, the U.S. unemployment rate topped 20 percent.

Everyday Life during the Depression.
History repeats itself, when you ignore history.
Worth a little to read, and then ask yourself... how would your household hold up, this happens again in today's world.


This is worth reading.
Imagine this happening again, now in today's current world, where your household be?
Would your household thrive and survive, and be able to barley hang on, or your household not make it?
More Americans NEED to understand that our economy today is just as fragile now as it was back then.


Spring cleaning.
Get out the clothes that you haven't worn since last Summer, and go through them.
If they need mending, get them sewn. If you need more socks and certain clothing items, try to get them on sale to replace them.
Get the clothes that you haven't worn in 6 months all cleaned and go through them.
Make sure you wash all of your Winter jackets now, before you put them away for the Summer, so they are nice and clean, and ready come this Fall/Winter when you need them again.
Take inventory on your clothing items, your bedding stuff, and your towels, and if they need to be replaced now before hard times arrive... then it them all replaced and mended as soon as possible.



Back To The Basics is a page for homesteading, backyard farming, and raising your own farm animals.
Please keep to those topics on this page, and share helpful information on those topics with others who share those common interests.
This page was created so that people from other places can all come together and share their knowledge, advise and photos of homesteading, backyard farming, and raising their own farm animals.
Welcome, and lets build this page up so we can all enjoy this lifestyle at our homes with fresh foods for our families and a healthier living style.