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Back To The Basics Homesteading
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Back To The Basics is a page for homesteading, backyard farming, and raising your own farm animals.
Please keep to those topics on this page, and share helpful information on those topics with others who share those common interests.
This page was created so that people from other places can all come together and share their knowledge, advise and photos of homesteading, backyard farming, and raising their own farm animals.
Welcome, and lets build this page up so we can all enjoy this lifestyle at our homes with fresh foods for our families and a healthier living style.


Americans need to learn to do everything that they can... and be willing to do anything that they can; to help keep their households going... so their households will thrive and survive during hard times, and even harder times that are coming.
Learn to bake brake bread.
Learn to cook more homemade recipes, cook all of your own meals at home.
Plant a garden, and keep growing a backyard garden, work buffer drops and plant multiple raised garden beds.
Seed save and keep buying seeds for gardens.
Work year round. Including try growing different veggies all year if you can,
Start and maintain a food pantry for your household.
Learn canning, and other skillsets.
Buy extra food items when you see them on sale, keep shopping sale items, keep building up your pantry folks.
We are not guaranteed anything in life folks, especially in gardening or in life in general.

Keep trying to stay as frugal as possible and stay out of debt.
Keep making improvements on your household... add more amendments to your soil so you can keep growing a garden.
Keep your fences in good shape, maintain your house as best as you can.
Keep your vehicles well maintained.
Have a bartering system set up with other locals so you can barter with each other, rather than spend on money. Bartering comes in handy when you all have different skillsets.

Start a compost pile and take care it, buy different composting bags of soil amendments at your local garden center/nurseries, buy used or new garden tools so you can maintain your gardens better.

Make sure you have enough blankets and buy them during the Summer so you have them for this coming Winter, buy clothing, towels, and bedding items as you see them on sale.
Really make your dollar stretch and work for your household.

Get your house and garage's organized, organize your sheds, get everything all in order... see what garden tools you have and make a list of items that you need to get.
Get everything organized folks.
Rotate your pantry items, keep them all well labeled and organized so you know what you have, and what you need to fill in on.

The more organized your household is, and the more prepared your household it, the better off your family will be as harder times approach us.

Maybe set aside some stuff for bartering, if your garden grows well, trade some of your veggies with some one who grew different veggies than you.
If you garden grew really well, and you want to help out a local senior citizen, give them some of your extra veggies to help them out some. Kindness goes a long way.
But remember to secure food from your gardens for your household first, because that is why you worked hard on your garden, to provide extra food for your household.

Get your vehicles the maintenance they need done, and keep them well maintained.
Get your bicycles all tuned-up and maintained... and keep them in safe and reliable working order.
Get your gardens going, and stay on top of their soil, so it is amended well for this year to garden, as well as for coming years to garden.
Keep a food pantry and keep it stocked, remember to rotate your items as you use stuff from the pantry and continue to add to your pantries.
Stay frugal, and stay out of debt.
Cook all of your own meals over eating out.
Learn new different skillsets, and be willing to barter those skills with other local people.
Purchase used garden books and cookbooks to have on hand, and grow your library.
Set up a shelving unit of used board games, puzzles and various reading books, those are low cost items that your household will benefit from having to help keep moral up during harder times, help provide knowledge by being able to reference the books, and remember the entertainment of board games, and puzzles will be much appreciated during family and friend gatherings during the harder times when you can no afford to go out to the movies, etc. due to high inflation.
By doing all of these things your household will be in a better place as harder times keep coming.
All of your hard work in doing of all these things will be very beneficial for your household to thrive and survive as times kept getting harder and harder, meanwhile others who are not being frugal will feel the effects of higher inflation harder because they are racking up even more debit and not focusing on the important things, like food, gardening, etc.

In today's world it is EXTREMELY important to read ALL of the labels on all of the stuff you shop for.
Many Americans are cutting out soy from their diet, and soy is in SO many items.
If you want be remain healthy, READ all of your food labels folks.
If items have too many ingredients listed in it that you can not pronounce, you might NOT want to consume it.
Keep growing your gardens folks, and keep eating healthier foods.
Make sure you get out and exercise daily, your health matters and what you consume matters as well.

Saw this and wanted to share this...
BEWARE of Your Vinegars for CANNING You NEED 5% on Acidity.

If your household is having a hard time making ends meet due to high inflation, then try to find a local part time job to help your household off set the high inflation.
Make sure you are able to stay on top of things and to not go into debt, or further into debt. (If you are in debt, get a part time job... and use that particular job's income to pay your debt down.) You will be thankful once the debt is paid off.
If you can find a part time job close by your home... so you don't have to pay too much more in gas for your vehicle, and that part time job will pay you enough to stay on top of things or even allow you buy more food... then take a part time job.
Even if you are well into your years, I know senior citizens are struggling on a fixed income, and some have to now work part time to try and off set the high inflation.
Do what you can folks, it is going to get harder, and the more you can do to help lessen that pressure the better for your household.
Take whatever job you can that will pay decent and looks like it may be stable, if you take any job until a better job comes along then do that.
Make sure you work hard at the job, do your best at the job each day, and collect your pay check... do not get involved in work drama, just go to work, do your job and get your pay check folks. You main focus is your household, and that is why you are working, focus on that.
Keep up with your gardening, and get stuff done that will help your household thrive and survive as harder times approach. you got this.

Über Uns

Back To The Basics is a page for homesteading, backyard farming, and raising your own farm animals.
Please keep to those topics on this page, and share helpful information on those topics with others who share those common interests.
This page was created so that people from other places can all come together and share their knowledge, advise and photos of homesteading, backyard farming, and raising their own farm animals.
Welcome, and lets build this page up so we can all enjoy this lifestyle at our homes with fresh foods for our families and a healthier living style.