Facts 35 and 36 for the 35th and 36th weeks of development inside the womb...getting down to the wire!!
Weeks 35 and 36: By 35 weeks, the baby has a firm hand grasp. He/she is gaining about half a pound a week! Currently, the baby has 15% of their body fat, which will get to be around 30% by birth. The baby will also begin to lose some of the fine hairs covering the body.
Imagine a bunch of bananas, and that is how big the baby is by now! #40weeks40facts
Please share with your friends to help inform the public just how beautiful life is (especially pregnant friends who would like to know about the development of their baby!).
The verse is also an old chorus known for several decades, a favorite of my childhood. If you can sing the chorus, please comment below.
A conservative Christian who believes in the Constitutional values of life in the United States of America, and a friend of the Constitution Party.