This evening before sunset CHEMTRAILS criss-crossed in a gigantic grid over southern Minnesota.

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Australian wildfires -- good video explaining geo-engineering of the weather as the cause (however, please excuse the wording at the end of the video which contains profanity):


I'm wondering if Australia is being attacked with engineered climate disasters because they are coming out vocalizing support for Julian Assange and wanting to push for a passport and his return . . . just look at the chaos happening in Australia with engineered weather:

Breaking: Australian Fires hitting Critical Mass as the Whole Country Under State of Emergency!!



Breaking news as close to half of the Nation of Australia is on FIRE!! Making the country look like a War Zone as 100,000's are being evacuated, as 10,000's of homes & businesses being destroyed & over 10 million acres burn & co

Su di noi

THIS IS the largest crime against humanity in human history. We are a family-friendly group that welcomes everyone everywhere to learn about the jet trails in the sky, technically known as "Chemical-Aerosol-Injection", commonly called "chemtrails".
> See

We also allow a wide range of related subjects
> See


Chemtrails are highly toxic and must be stopped. We're working together to bring an end to this crime against humanity.