Good Morning from the Mountains of Northeast Tennessee!! Today God is Still in Control. Trump is Still My President. Nothing is going to happen unless God Permits.
We are in the Greatest Spiritual Battle the World has ever seen. We are fighting against Spiritual Wickedness in High Places..against Principalities of the heavenlies..against the Rulers of Darkness..against domestic terrorists in our Country! Enemies who are against God..our Constitution..our belief system! They hide under the guise of the Socialistic, Communistic, Demonrat Party! They have sold out to the Prince of Darkness for Money, Power and Fame! They are against Freedom and seek to enslave All who do not believe in their ideals! We need to put on the Whole Armour of God and Fight against their agenda! God in His Mercy sent us a man..not another politician who could be bought and corrupted..but a business man..who loved his Country! Using this man..God began to expose the darkness that has be around for thousands of years...but exposed during our lifetime! This is why we see all the hate, violence, intimidation, fear because Satan knows he has only a short time to work! Division, contention, strife, are Satans trademarks but he will not win. We who are on God's Side are already winners!! Keep fighting..keep speaking out..keep praying..Victory is Ours.
The Promise Land is in Sight...Now Who Will Go Across the River..and Take It??